Wednesday, August 31, 2011

San Francisco

I got back from San Francisco Sunday night and promised myself I would document the trip before life gets away from me. My dear friend moved out west beginning of this year and I was really wanting to get out there to visit. Lucky for me, my friend hooked me up big time with some perks of her new job and a trip west was planned.

I arrived Friday and we walked down by the pier and wharf to eat so delicious Mexican. It was freezing, at least to me. I am used to the STL summer heat not 60 degrees with a chilly breeze of the bay. We picked up some ice cream and headed back to her apartment. I know I was freezing but I really wanted ice cream. 

Bay Bridge

The Wharf


Saturday we headed out for some morning java and boarded the San Francisco street car. I love doing touristy stuff. We took the trolley across town to Union Square where we did some shopping. Then we had lunch at The Rotunda at Nieman Marcus with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. I'm not going to lie here, I felt pretty out of my element. I've never been a lunch so fancy. I enjoyed it though the food was delicious and the view couldn't have been better. From there we bummed a ride from my fam back to the apartment.

Riding the Street Car

Hanging Out

Shopping at Sephora

Because I LOVE baseball so much we headed down to AT&T Park to watch the world champion Giants take on the Houston Astros. No, actually we went because my friend's mom got her stellar tickets to the game. To top it all off, my cousin works for the Giants and just so happened to get us on the field at the tail end of batting practice. 



View From My Seat

We ate well, got plenty of exercise, and I even got to visit family. Looking forward to going back next year for a friendly Cards/Giants game. And if you are wondering, I only packed stripes. I'm not sure what that was about. I guess I'm jumping on that wagon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What He Is Thinking

Hey, guess what I see when I look to my left? My future hubby's gorgeous blue eyes. I can't tell you how long we've talked about our perfect set up and today we begin the journey. It's so nice to look over in the next room and seeing him chilling on the couch.

 If I had to guess what is going on in his mind its something like this...

"I'm so glad to be out of the city of Memphis. We had some good times but for real, I'm glad to be gone. No looking back. Now instead of hanging out with two dudes that I already spend enough time with, I get to spend time with my beautiful lady. Not only that, I get to eat some home cooking. My future mother-in-law loves to spoil me. No seriously I didn't even do anything and she just loves to cook for me. One time she sent me a cheesecake in Lauren's checked bagged. Ha. I'm not really sure what the next month is going to be like living with my fiancee and her parents, can't be that bad right? I reckon that's not my biggest concern at the moment, I have to pitch to Prince Fielder Thursday and the rest of the Brewers. At least I have a comfy bed. I wonder what they are going to cook me for breakfast? Maybe some chocolate syrup and biscuits, dang I'm gone eat real good here...."

Yep I think that's probably exactly what he's thinking. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Busy and Blessed

I keep whining and groaning that I have such a busy week. I'M SORRY for the negative attitude. A lot of things are culminating and it's somewhat weighing on me. 

Wedding: Uh... yeah. I am the worst wedding planner. Ever. But my bridesmaids have ordered dresses (yeah that's plural he he) and mother of the bride has a dress and well, that's the extent of recent progress. 

September Call Ups: Brandon has been recalled by the Cardinals and will be joining the team on Thursday for his first big league start. This means he will be joining ME here in STL for the remainder of the month. I am thrilled beyond words! We have talked about this arrangement for quite some time. He will hopefully be able to help me make some progress planning. Just him being here is going to help a ton. This resulted in needing to do some pretty hefty house keeping for our guest. Thankfully I got home from work this evening to this already taken care of for me. Seriously, thanks MOM!

Family Health: Brandon's grandfather is currently in the hospital with several health issues. He was in the hospital the first time BD got called up and had a successful surgery and very positive recovery. As of late, things have taken a different turn and a few other issues have arose. It makes it even harder that neither Brandon or I can be with him during this time. We are needing lots and lots of prayers for him, please and thank you.

Work/Blog: I have a vinyl order I need to get cut and delivered. No biggy, that will be done in an hour. I'm participating in a giveaway for another blog next week and in the mean time, I am trying to prepare and get product photos taken for the future Etsy shop and not let my blog, that I feel is finally starting to take shape, fall apart. 

Oh yeah did I mention my dad wants to road trip to Milwaukee for the game Thursday... guess I will just have to be productive in the car. Time to embrace and be thankful for the busy and blessed days ahead.

Matthew 6:34 
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. 
Each day has enough trouble of its own. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Up in the Air

I had an amazing trip. Glad to be home. This week is going to be the beginning of a whirlwind of the next ten weeks!!! I will look at these pics and remember the peace they brought me this weekend and use this to remind me of that through the upcoming blessed chaos.

Hope y'all had a great weekend!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Weekend Getaway

I'm headed to San Fran peoples! Have a good weekend...

Google Images

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pay It Forward

We want what we can't have. Everyone does it. It just happens. The boy that isn't single. The food on the diet. The curly hair if it is straight. The straight hair if it is curly. If someone tells you not to think about how far off the ground you are when your about to sky dive what do you think about? How stinking high in the air you are, duh! It is what it is. I said I'd cut back blogging. But. I. Just. Can't.

I have a fun little story I want to share. 

Today I loaded the kids into the car. Swimsuits. Towels. Snacks. Drinks. Sunscreen. I'd say a good twenty minute process.

We went to the pool on this sweltering hot day for a swim but....we found this unlucky fellow.

We left. Attempted the city pool with no success, weekends only. Plan B or C I suppose. Ice cream.

The end. Almost.

[Have you ever read one of those stories where a woman is in line at the grocery store and she goes to pay and realizes that she is either short on cash, forgot her wallet, or credit card gets denied. Then from behind a kindhearted person offers to help pay the shortage or even the whole tab. Well if you've never heard a story like that one listen up.]

We proceed into the ice cream shop to order two small bowls of chocolate ice cream and a strawberry cheescake cone.  I pull out my wallet and debit card and the young clerk replies, " I'm sorry we only take cash."  I know for sure I have cash in the car but the question is how do I  go get it without disturbing two children who just started in on ice cream and not make the three customers that just walked in have to wait for me. I can't leave them and taking them back outside isn't really an option. So we sit and I decided when we were finished I will bring the money back inside. 

I never had time for that. The older gentleman behind us turned to me and said, " I got it." I told him I had cash in the car it wasn't a problem and he insisted. Thanks man! Seriously I almost started crying because I was SO grateful he just saved me more hassle than he knew. I know it was just six bucks but to me it felt like a hundred. 

What if we all took the time and effort and maybe a few dollars to save someone else some hassle. Is it really that hard? The world would be such a better place. Keep your eyes and ears out for these opportunities and I promise they will be there. Pay it forward. The end. 

If you can't get enough of me here, which I'm sure you do, you can find me on Twitter @larnlevy. It is my new found love and I can't get enough of it even if I'm a little behind with the times. Tweet tweet. 

Also--- I believe I will be sponsoring a blog in the month of September (woot woot) and I think she will be doing a giveaway VERY SOON with something that yours truly has created, but I'll keep you posted as I get more info. Now quit thinking about it, or don't :)

Sheesh you still want more? Go check out this saweet giveaway at Tatertots & Jello. I'm slightly obsessed with the tote bags made by Kellie over at Nest of Posies. My favorite are the athletic team bags perfect for game days! 

Alright I'm done ranting so go on and get outta here!

Fall Means

My posts may become a little less frequent. I feel guilty for not using any free second I have either working on new pieces for my shop or planning our wedding. Don't get me wrong I wish I could stay up until three in the morning and still function for ten hours the next day with two toddlers begging for my attention, but I can't. I've tried.

Anyway I was getting the itch for fall to get here with cooler days, but before that happens for good, a heat advisory is in effect for tomorrow. Even more reason to look ahead to wonderful fall days.

When fall does start appearing I will be ready because:

Fall means gorgeous colors and weather.
Fall means wearing jeans and boots.
Fall means college football Saturday and NFL Sundays.
Fall means its okay to drink hot coffee again.
Fall means another summer and ball season have passed.
Fall means bonfires and hayrides.
Fall means sweaters and jackets.
This year, Fall means I become a wife.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hard Questions

I did some driving this week and do you know what happens when I drive? Well my mind and my heart meet in the middle and the rolling hills of Missouri and the beautiful skies just provoke so many things in my mind. I become consumed with blog topics and subjects that I want to write about and share with you. Then I arrive home, unwind, and settle in and completely lose the passion and emotion to the feelings and ideas that had consumed me for the two hour car ride. 

Brandon and I have a unique relationship, in a good way. He is a professional athlete. I am a college grade with a degree in business marketing. I have chosen to shelf that degree while I nanny two children instead. When we marry in November we will move in together and from that point on we will always live together. Where that is we won't know until maybe a few days before. What about me? What will I do? Will I stay at our home in Alabama while he goes to spring training? Will I move with him during the season? Where will we live? Where will I work? What about my career and my dreams?  

Those are the questions that friends and family bring to my attention. Now it gets difficult hearing those questions as if I haven't already pondered and maybe stressed over all of them multiple times. I finally think I can answer the question with one hundred percent confidence.

I know that I was made for Brandon. I was made to be there for him to help, listen, pray for, please, prepare, respect, honor, and to love him unconditionally. I'm ready for that. I accepted the ring and agreed to marry him and agreed to all those things. In addition, we agreed to put God at the center of our relationship. He is the foundation of what we are going to be committing to in a few short weeks.

So when I get asked those questions about me and what I will do, I have an answer. You may not like it. You may not agree, but I have an answer. I have chosen to submit to my future husband. Because of this decision, God will reveal and bless me with my own needs and give me dreams that I can follow while still doing what he created me to do. I truly believe leaving my job here, and possibly passing on job opportunities that arise so that Brandon and I can be together he will bless me with so much more down the road that is bigger and better. I'll take my eyes off myself and put them on God and the rest will take care of itself. It makes me excited and eager, but I will be patient because those blessings come in His time not mine but I know they will.

As humans we are naturally selfish. We can't change that. However we can ask God to change our hearts and He will. This is obviously a way easier thing to say, talk, and write about than act on but with enough prayers it can be done and I hope I am the one doing it. 

Sunday Game Plan Week 2

Lets give this Game Plan thing another week. It kinda hangs over my head that I want to be able to cross stuff off! 

  • Get invites designed and ordered
  • Book tickets for honeymoon
  • Deliver headbands to giveaway winners
  • Work on small wedding projects - garter/candles sticks/Mr & Mrs signs/window decoration
  • Pick out wedding music
  • Find caterer
  • Decide on bridesmaid dresses 
  • NOT panic that the wedding is ONLY 82 days away
  • Get to bed before midnight all week.
  • Get a haircut
  • Friends bachelorette party
  • Dentist appointment

So yeah I pretty much fumbled. A lot.

Drawing Board:

  • Mail headbands to giveaway winners
  • Work on small wedding projects
  • Pick out wedding music -- suggestions?
  • Reserve block of hotel rooms
  • Find caterer
  • Find flowers and email florists
  • Decide on bridesmaid dresses, still up in the air. Navy or Olive?
  • Get to bed early
  • Order veil
  • Visit my goooood friend in San Francisco
  • Work on new headbands for potential shop

I personally didn't get much planned but I entered LOTS of information into some Google Docs which is pretty much going to help a ton. Also my mom and sister got my bridal shower invites done and they are SO cute. Can't wait to show you them in a few weeks. Seriously. Adorable! Hope you have a productive week. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Off Day

I didn't go in to work today. I just felt that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday had taken enough out of me with the trip to the dentist, taking the kids to the park, Wal Mart, and playing harder this week. I don't want to burn out cause I've been going full speed so I took the day off.

I reserved two plane tickets for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico! Woot woot honeymoon here we come. Then I decided after all that hard work I was going to get a manicure. I have been picking at my nails and they have been breaking. BD pitched tonight so just in case I got a little nervous and started in on my nails I went to get a manicure. Me, miss I can do it way better than any professional why would I pay someone else money for this, broke down and bit the bullet. You see I can't do a Shellac manicure. I have been patiently waiting to go get one and finally the time was right. No chipping people and it is supposed to last for two weeks! It is awesome so far and only day one. I will be out of town this weekend and next and don't want to have to worry about chippy polish. I'll keep you posted on how this bad boy holds up. I may have to let my guard down to the whole let someone else be in charge of my nails concept. 

Then I threw in a side dish of my amazing homemade Mac & Cheese while my dad grilled some burgers for dinner. This father daughter duo often goes halfsies on dinner. He grills steak. I make a salad. He grills burgers. I make Mac & Cheese. He orders pizza. I go to town and pick it up. Seriously we can rock dinner when we let Mom off the hook. I'll probably miss this when I move, but I'll enjoy not being the main chef for a few more months. 

And finally my day off concluded with some crazy craftiness while listening to Brandon's game. I love finding projects to do while I can listen to my mans game. I am making a new/another style of felt hair accessories. This photo is just the beginning of what is to come not the actual finished product. The other day I asked BD if when I moved and we were married if I could just work from home/start my own business. Not like the 'business' I have now. He of course said sure whatever I wanted. He's great and I love that man. Although this all seems like a great freaks me out quite a bit.  I have to work really hard, which is fine, and I honestly already have most of the supplies I would need so that is great too. Its the making it successful part I'm not so sure I can conquer. Its sorda my dream though so I owe it a shot right? I also know there are tons of creators out there of similar hair accessories so setting myself apart from others is going to be a huge key too. Anyone have suggestions? Anyone? Ok well just drop a line in my suggestion box (which I now have to add cause it sounds like a great idea). By the way, Brandon's team won and he got the W, this always makes the game easier to listen to. 

 Back to work for one more day then its the weekend, again! The weeks have been flying lately.

Could you guess that I LOVE my new phone. 

Mac & Cheese Sauce Recipe:
1 cup milk. 2 tbsp butter. 2 tbsp flour. salt and pepper. 8 oz give or take of velveeta or american cheese (depending on how cheesy you prefer). 

Next Window Please

After my wonderful tooth extraction extravaganza I headed over to the Corner of the Circle's to do some playing! Here is what we made. She has some goods I want and I have some goods she wants, so we worked together. I'm extremely thrilled to be helping her out! She is having her very first booth at a craft fair this November and I hope theses babies sell like hotcakes. There are several more windows that are in the making and they are going to be SO cute, just in time for the holidays.

If I am back in STL next ball season (fingers crossed) I have a feeling we will be spending lots of time together. Between the old antiques and sweet vintage pieces of decor she finds and some of my minor crafty mechanics we could create for dayyyyyys. Until that happens I will just have to be inspired from afar and establish what she is doing on a minor scale in the south.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do You Ever Wonder?

What kind of music I like to listen to? Well it occurred to me this weekend when I spent many hours in the car that I have quite the assortment on my iPod and it might be fun to share the last eight songs I've purchased. It is random. 

#8 - Black Horse and the Cherry Tree - Casey Weston (The Voice Performance)

I really like the show and when I bought the song it counted for a vote too.

#7 - Hey Soul Sister (Tribute to Train) - Wedding Day music

I love the sound of the piano and mainstream songs in instrumental versions. I also thought this might help me get inspired in my planning. Or I could use it on wedding day. 

#6 - Price Tag - Xenia (The Voice Perfomance) 

Good song. Its not about the money, money, money

#5 -  Wanna Take You Home - Gloriana 

Heard them live at the itty bitty fair in town AND loved this song.

#4 - Lift Me Up - The Afters 

Great Christian song that lifts me up.

#3 - The Light In Me - Brandon Heath

Another Chrisitian song that I love.

#2 - Just A Kiss - Lady Antebellum

One of my favorite country groups of all time. 

and.... are you ready for this?

#1 - Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5

Heard this live on the Voice and of course Adam Levine is a cutie! Oh yeah and mostly because sometimes I have dance parties in my car and LOVE some upbeat jams!

What about you? Do you typically download all one genre or are you like me and when you hear a song that you love you add it to your playlist?

Monday, August 15, 2011


I would say we could blame all the football mumbo jumbo on the Vicodin but that isn't the case. Why would I have a prescription for Vicodin anyways you ask? Good question.

I have been experiencing quite the toothaches since the first MAJOR onset of this last Thursday when I could have sworn I was having a panic attack. Tears. Dry heaving. Toothache. Cheek bone ache. Ear ache. I felt like it spread like wildfire and it was scary and over in less than 15 minutes. Then over the weekend the toothache had its moments but I snacked on Ibuprofen through all the wedding registry festivities. Do you remember me talking about fever I had a few weeks ago? Yep all that is linked to my grill. 

I decided after all the pain and agony I should just call the dentist to let him have a looksy and tell me what was wrong with my chompers. I did after talking myself out of making the call several times. They said come today we'll squeeze you in. So I ditched the kids on their mom, what a lovely Monday surprise for her, and proceeded on my merry (not so merry) way to the dentist. 

Once I was in the chair it took about two minutes for him to suggest pulling those useless wisdom teeth. Two shots here or was it four? Numb there. Little bit of pressure and some uncomfortable crunching noises. Wam bam and therrrrrre outtttttta herre!  (Working on my umpire calls) 

Long story short, I forgot to add make much needed dentist appointment on my game plan, maybe on purpose, and so the fact that I went and took care of this HUGE problem, on a MONDAY none the less, I'd say TOUCHDOWN! Does that answer the Vicodin question? Don't worry, this pain is nothing compared to the toothaches so I'm not having that baby filled.

I'm going to quit being a weeny now about the dentist.I actually found one that when I leave I'm actually giddy! I go back in a few weeks to have the pearly whites cleaned and inspected and I'm pretty excited! I ended the day with a minor crafting adventure that was awesome and took my mind off the minimal pain I'm experiencing. 

Want to see a picture of those tiny little pain causers? Its gross. I'll spare you. Ick! 

Google Images : Tooth

Enjoy your Toothsday.  I sure will & pain free! :) 

Just for fun can you find all the different names I used referring to my teeth? 

Sunday Game Plan

I'm back. Super productive trip and plenty of thinking time in the car. Ten hours to be exact. So..this time of year Sundays are pretty much reserved for football. I actually really enjoy football as my second favorite sport to watch, baseball being the first. In honor of football season quickly approaching I decided I'm gonna try to have a weekly Sunday Game Plan. Hopefully this will help me get things done. Especially for the rest of the year. I have a feeling it will be a busy one.  My Sunday Game Plan will consist of what was accomplished the week before (OLD FILM) as well as things I would like to accomplish in the upcoming week. (DRAWING BOARD)

Sunday Game Plan Take One:

Old Film

  • Booked photographer for wedding
  • Started two wedding registries - don't worry this will get its own post
  • Cooked Brandon a nice meal - Easy Cheesy Lasagna - it was awesome!
  • Switched cell phone providers and started our  'Family Plan' - so long AT&T, hello Verizon and new beautiful white iphone 4, I love thee. 

Enough about last weeks huge win! This week is going to be a wee bit more challenging. Good thing I got fueled up this weekend seeing the honey and I'm ready to whoop this weeks tail. With my new phone its like playing in a brand spanking new jersery. 

Drawing Board
  • Get invites designed and ordered
  • Book tickets for honeymoon
  • Deliver headbands to giveaway winners
  • Work on small wedding projects - garter/candles sticks/Mr & Mrs signs
  • Pick out wedding music
  • Find caterer
  • Decide on bridesmaid dresses 
  • NOT panic that the wedding is ONLY 82 days away
  • Get to bed before midnight all week.
  • Get a haircut
  • Friends bachelorette party

Everybody in. Ready, team on three. One, two.. guys? Guys? Guess its just me again. Everyone have a great game week. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mini Vaca

This week has been super crazy,it hasn't flown at all.
The kids were going bonkers, bouncing off the wall.
I didn't get much crafted, just organized and put away.
So I decided to write a quick little poem with all I have to say.
I'm going on a trip this weekend you'll never guess to where.
I'm going to see my other half, five weeks apart wasn't fair.
We finally get to celebrate, being together two great years. 
I know when I leave on Sunday I'll probably shed some tears.
Its going to be a busy two days, time to make some wedding plans.
But we have to work around two games, so he can play for the fans.
I need to finish packing, I really need my rest.
So when I see his handsome face, I'm only at my best. 

See ya Monday blog friends!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We got a little creative the last couple of days. The kids were driving me bonkers. Yep those cute little things I love so much can still drive me crazy. Since it has been a little bit cooler, high 80s/low 90s instead of 100 degree heat, we have been outside a lot.

We love sidewalk chalk. I have never seen this before and then I text these cute little photos to my sister and she sent me to this website. Okay seriously I felt like an under achiever after seeing that. It was fun though and the kiddos parents enjoyed it. 

Then we experimented with sidewalk paint. I think that I will make this again, kids or no kids. 

1/4 Cup of cornstarch. 1/4 Cup of water. Food coloring. Stir.  

It is awesome! Try it. Love it. Share it. The neat part is when it dries you can brush your hand over it and it will brush right off with a powder texture. Sweeps away easily if you don't want tacky drawings all over the sidewalk. Just make sure you have large paint brushes, we had to use the itty bitty water color paint brushes, but we made it work. 

Here is to the last few weeks of summer and kids all over driving parents and babysitters berzerk before they head back to school. 

Mr. Black & Decker

My Monday's usually begin by dreading getting out of bed. Today was no different. But then I get to work and I round the corner and there is a tiny little toddler standing smiling at me in his jammies with bed head and I forget just how tired I am. That doesn't set back in again until about three or four in the afternoon. Then I leave work and I get a second wind. Thankfully, or I would be worthless every evening.

Knowing I have projects in mind to start I head to one of my top five favorite stores; Michaels. Are you thinking, "what could you possible need that you don't already have?" Well there is stuff, okay. Then I go to Lowes. Why do I love that store? I mean its so manly and huge and then you smell the lumber and all the pretty floor samples and hardware and you get the point its a good store. 

I was very glad to see Mr. Black and Decker again! I remember a while back we had a few good nights together and I'm not sure why we split. I vaguely remember an 'its me not you, can we still be friends?' conversation that ended things. I sanded away and while I did I had some great and random thoughts I'd like to share.

  • I do not miss buying college books this time of year. I overheard a college student behind me in the check out line at Michaels mention she dropped six hundo on books. Eek.
  • I'm glad my younger brother taught me to wipe down wood after you sand it the first time. This will let the grain raise from moisture, let dry, and resand. Then when you put the first coat of paint on the grain won't rise messing up the paint job. Make sense? I like learning these little tidbits of info. 
  • I like power tools and feel like super woman when using them. 
  • I'm going to ask BD to be my business partner. I think once I run my great idea by him he can't say no. Especially considering at this point in time neither one of us have a job this fall and because I know he doesn't like to tell me no, but he might.
  • The previous thought reminded me of my Ah Ha moment that I'm glad I've slept on for over a month. Well since I'm not going to pursue it at this time I'll share. I wanted to start a blog that networks all kinds of blogs and had a new guest poster every day. Did you know there are already TONS of those out there? Glad I passed on the job that would have been.
  • I really really love the smell of the lumber aisle at home stores and I left a few pieces I purchased in my car as an air freshener.
  • Another great idea popped into my head (in the shower like the last time) but I may wait and sleep on this one for a while too. Although I'm pretty confident if executed properly it could be something pretty neat. Its like friendship bread only it doesn't include a bag of dough and a 14 day process.

So all that happened between the sanding and painting. Gotta get all my crafting in early this week because I finally get to see my fiancee aka future husband aka new business partner this weekend! 

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cleaning Up

I cleaned this weekend and did some organizing. One particular area needed it more than others. My ribbon box was puking everywhere.

First I found this organizing tip on Pinterest, of course, and knew that would be perfect for some recently acquired embroidery floss used for friendship bracelets and other craft needs. I love how neat this looks and easy to access too with out getting knots and tangles.

Then I tackled the ribbon box. I had to figure out what to do with the mass amounts of ribbon I had. I bought a ribbon rack last year from Michaels that failed me. Some spools have a huge hole in the center and some are tiny and the rod wouldn't fit through them all.

I had to come up with my own idea for all the scraps of ribbon I had. Once I started going through them I found I had quite a bit of ribbon shoved in a Ziploc bag. I didn't have enough extra spools for the widths of all the scrap ribbon. I got the bright idea to reuse some tubes that my mom had for some of her vinyl and other cutting materials.

Problem solved. I can fit the lid on the ribbon box! When I relocate I can hang the tubes on a rod or some fishing line. For now the box is FULL so I won't allow myself to buy anymore ribbon. Just kidding people. I just discovered a new way to organize and be sufficient and you think I'm gonna QUIT buying ribbon? Okay maybe I will take it easy for a while though, hows that sound?  Have I ever shown you my work space? No. Oh okay then sorry for being rude. Now that it is cleaned up I'll show you. Look at the huge empty table for crafting. I love a clean organized office work space. I actually think I did show you a glimpse. This is what used to be on the left where the storage containers and table are. All that good storage is at the future abode. You liked those letters thingys? Well I'm going to be making some more like those and these for a baby's nursery this week. Love to get my paint on! 

I better get down there and mess it up again. I can't have it looking that good always or it means I'm not working!

One more itty bitty teeny tiny thing. Did you go vote for my link over at Little Miss Momma? I'm number 59 Epic Fail [almost]. If it isn't too much trouble please do, and as many times as you want. Thanks friends!!!

ooops two more...want to see where I'm getting married go look out My Wedding Window?!!