Wednesday, August 31, 2011

San Francisco

I got back from San Francisco Sunday night and promised myself I would document the trip before life gets away from me. My dear friend moved out west beginning of this year and I was really wanting to get out there to visit. Lucky for me, my friend hooked me up big time with some perks of her new job and a trip west was planned.

I arrived Friday and we walked down by the pier and wharf to eat so delicious Mexican. It was freezing, at least to me. I am used to the STL summer heat not 60 degrees with a chilly breeze of the bay. We picked up some ice cream and headed back to her apartment. I know I was freezing but I really wanted ice cream. 

Bay Bridge

The Wharf


Saturday we headed out for some morning java and boarded the San Francisco street car. I love doing touristy stuff. We took the trolley across town to Union Square where we did some shopping. Then we had lunch at The Rotunda at Nieman Marcus with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. I'm not going to lie here, I felt pretty out of my element. I've never been a lunch so fancy. I enjoyed it though the food was delicious and the view couldn't have been better. From there we bummed a ride from my fam back to the apartment.

Riding the Street Car

Hanging Out

Shopping at Sephora

Because I LOVE baseball so much we headed down to AT&T Park to watch the world champion Giants take on the Houston Astros. No, actually we went because my friend's mom got her stellar tickets to the game. To top it all off, my cousin works for the Giants and just so happened to get us on the field at the tail end of batting practice. 



View From My Seat

We ate well, got plenty of exercise, and I even got to visit family. Looking forward to going back next year for a friendly Cards/Giants game. And if you are wondering, I only packed stripes. I'm not sure what that was about. I guess I'm jumping on that wagon.

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