Thursday, August 18, 2011

Off Day

I didn't go in to work today. I just felt that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday had taken enough out of me with the trip to the dentist, taking the kids to the park, Wal Mart, and playing harder this week. I don't want to burn out cause I've been going full speed so I took the day off.

I reserved two plane tickets for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico! Woot woot honeymoon here we come. Then I decided after all that hard work I was going to get a manicure. I have been picking at my nails and they have been breaking. BD pitched tonight so just in case I got a little nervous and started in on my nails I went to get a manicure. Me, miss I can do it way better than any professional why would I pay someone else money for this, broke down and bit the bullet. You see I can't do a Shellac manicure. I have been patiently waiting to go get one and finally the time was right. No chipping people and it is supposed to last for two weeks! It is awesome so far and only day one. I will be out of town this weekend and next and don't want to have to worry about chippy polish. I'll keep you posted on how this bad boy holds up. I may have to let my guard down to the whole let someone else be in charge of my nails concept. 

Then I threw in a side dish of my amazing homemade Mac & Cheese while my dad grilled some burgers for dinner. This father daughter duo often goes halfsies on dinner. He grills steak. I make a salad. He grills burgers. I make Mac & Cheese. He orders pizza. I go to town and pick it up. Seriously we can rock dinner when we let Mom off the hook. I'll probably miss this when I move, but I'll enjoy not being the main chef for a few more months. 

And finally my day off concluded with some crazy craftiness while listening to Brandon's game. I love finding projects to do while I can listen to my mans game. I am making a new/another style of felt hair accessories. This photo is just the beginning of what is to come not the actual finished product. The other day I asked BD if when I moved and we were married if I could just work from home/start my own business. Not like the 'business' I have now. He of course said sure whatever I wanted. He's great and I love that man. Although this all seems like a great freaks me out quite a bit.  I have to work really hard, which is fine, and I honestly already have most of the supplies I would need so that is great too. Its the making it successful part I'm not so sure I can conquer. Its sorda my dream though so I owe it a shot right? I also know there are tons of creators out there of similar hair accessories so setting myself apart from others is going to be a huge key too. Anyone have suggestions? Anyone? Ok well just drop a line in my suggestion box (which I now have to add cause it sounds like a great idea). By the way, Brandon's team won and he got the W, this always makes the game easier to listen to. 

 Back to work for one more day then its the weekend, again! The weeks have been flying lately.

Could you guess that I LOVE my new phone. 

Mac & Cheese Sauce Recipe:
1 cup milk. 2 tbsp butter. 2 tbsp flour. salt and pepper. 8 oz give or take of velveeta or american cheese (depending on how cheesy you prefer). 

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