Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cleaning Up

I cleaned this weekend and did some organizing. One particular area needed it more than others. My ribbon box was puking everywhere.

First I found this organizing tip on Pinterest, of course, and knew that would be perfect for some recently acquired embroidery floss used for friendship bracelets and other craft needs. I love how neat this looks and easy to access too with out getting knots and tangles.

Then I tackled the ribbon box. I had to figure out what to do with the mass amounts of ribbon I had. I bought a ribbon rack last year from Michaels that failed me. Some spools have a huge hole in the center and some are tiny and the rod wouldn't fit through them all.

I had to come up with my own idea for all the scraps of ribbon I had. Once I started going through them I found I had quite a bit of ribbon shoved in a Ziploc bag. I didn't have enough extra spools for the widths of all the scrap ribbon. I got the bright idea to reuse some tubes that my mom had for some of her vinyl and other cutting materials.

Problem solved. I can fit the lid on the ribbon box! When I relocate I can hang the tubes on a rod or some fishing line. For now the box is FULL so I won't allow myself to buy anymore ribbon. Just kidding people. I just discovered a new way to organize and be sufficient and you think I'm gonna QUIT buying ribbon? Okay maybe I will take it easy for a while though, hows that sound?  Have I ever shown you my work space? No. Oh okay then sorry for being rude. Now that it is cleaned up I'll show you. Look at the huge empty table for crafting. I love a clean organized office work space. I actually think I did show you a glimpse. This is what used to be on the left where the storage containers and table are. All that good storage is at the future abode. You liked those letters thingys? Well I'm going to be making some more like those and these for a baby's nursery this week. Love to get my paint on! 

I better get down there and mess it up again. I can't have it looking that good always or it means I'm not working!

One more itty bitty teeny tiny thing. Did you go vote for my link over at Little Miss Momma? I'm number 59 Epic Fail [almost]. If it isn't too much trouble please do, and as many times as you want. Thanks friends!!!

ooops two more...want to see where I'm getting married go look out My Wedding Window?!!


  1. I'm having trouble with your wedding window. Why can't I comment? :(

  2. Unfortunately you can't comment on a Page, at least I haven't figure out how to do it yet.

  3. LOVE the clothespin idea! If you get a chance I would love you to link your organizing tips up to More the Merrier Monday. It starts tonight and lasts through Wednesday. See you there.

  4. That stuff looks fun! I wish I were creative!! I need to start my pinterest account. I'm scared!
