Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We got a little creative the last couple of days. The kids were driving me bonkers. Yep those cute little things I love so much can still drive me crazy. Since it has been a little bit cooler, high 80s/low 90s instead of 100 degree heat, we have been outside a lot.

We love sidewalk chalk. I have never seen this before and then I text these cute little photos to my sister and she sent me to this website. Okay seriously I felt like an under achiever after seeing that. It was fun though and the kiddos parents enjoyed it. 

Then we experimented with sidewalk paint. I think that I will make this again, kids or no kids. 

1/4 Cup of cornstarch. 1/4 Cup of water. Food coloring. Stir.  

It is awesome! Try it. Love it. Share it. The neat part is when it dries you can brush your hand over it and it will brush right off with a powder texture. Sweeps away easily if you don't want tacky drawings all over the sidewalk. Just make sure you have large paint brushes, we had to use the itty bitty water color paint brushes, but we made it work. 

Here is to the last few weeks of summer and kids all over driving parents and babysitters berzerk before they head back to school. 

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