Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pay It Forward

We want what we can't have. Everyone does it. It just happens. The boy that isn't single. The food on the diet. The curly hair if it is straight. The straight hair if it is curly. If someone tells you not to think about how far off the ground you are when your about to sky dive what do you think about? How stinking high in the air you are, duh! It is what it is. I said I'd cut back blogging. But. I. Just. Can't.

I have a fun little story I want to share. 

Today I loaded the kids into the car. Swimsuits. Towels. Snacks. Drinks. Sunscreen. I'd say a good twenty minute process.

We went to the pool on this sweltering hot day for a swim but....we found this unlucky fellow.

We left. Attempted the city pool with no success, weekends only. Plan B or C I suppose. Ice cream.

The end. Almost.

[Have you ever read one of those stories where a woman is in line at the grocery store and she goes to pay and realizes that she is either short on cash, forgot her wallet, or credit card gets denied. Then from behind a kindhearted person offers to help pay the shortage or even the whole tab. Well if you've never heard a story like that one listen up.]

We proceed into the ice cream shop to order two small bowls of chocolate ice cream and a strawberry cheescake cone.  I pull out my wallet and debit card and the young clerk replies, " I'm sorry we only take cash."  I know for sure I have cash in the car but the question is how do I  go get it without disturbing two children who just started in on ice cream and not make the three customers that just walked in have to wait for me. I can't leave them and taking them back outside isn't really an option. So we sit and I decided when we were finished I will bring the money back inside. 

I never had time for that. The older gentleman behind us turned to me and said, " I got it." I told him I had cash in the car it wasn't a problem and he insisted. Thanks man! Seriously I almost started crying because I was SO grateful he just saved me more hassle than he knew. I know it was just six bucks but to me it felt like a hundred. 

What if we all took the time and effort and maybe a few dollars to save someone else some hassle. Is it really that hard? The world would be such a better place. Keep your eyes and ears out for these opportunities and I promise they will be there. Pay it forward. The end. 

If you can't get enough of me here, which I'm sure you do, you can find me on Twitter @larnlevy. It is my new found love and I can't get enough of it even if I'm a little behind with the times. Tweet tweet. 

Also--- I believe I will be sponsoring a blog in the month of September (woot woot) and I think she will be doing a giveaway VERY SOON with something that yours truly has created, but I'll keep you posted as I get more info. Now quit thinking about it, or don't :)

Sheesh you still want more? Go check out this saweet giveaway at Tatertots & Jello. I'm slightly obsessed with the tote bags made by Kellie over at Nest of Posies. My favorite are the athletic team bags perfect for game days! 

Alright I'm done ranting so go on and get outta here!


  1. This is a great story.. I love when people go out of their way to be kind.

    On a completely unrelated note.. I found your blog through "Home is with you..." and saw that your fiance plays for the Redbirds!! What a small world. I go to Redbirds games whenever I get the chance.. I'll definitely be cheering extra for him :)

    I am now a new follower of your blog, I'm looking forward to reading more!

  2. So glad that someone did step up. I have gone that little extra mile to save someone. In money, run inside to grab something left or just a small smile. Glad it ended well.

  3. Such a sweet story, I love stories like that thanks for sharing :)
