Call ups. Some people get them some people don't. It is the time of year when the rosters expand and many minor league players look forward to this time of year to see if they've earned the call.
Like life, we ultimately are waiting for the call. The call from God that says come home to heaven and be with me. He expands his roster, but not just one season of the year. He is always taking his children home.
I know today was a huge day for Brandon. It was his first big league start. He was successful, he had fun, he loved being out there. While I enjoyed watching him live out his dream I sat in the stands. One moment I was jumping up and down. The next, tears streamed down my face. I know what you're thinking.
There's no crying in baseball.
There is crying in life and because someone near and dear to mine and Brandons heart got his call up Friday. His name is Joe, but most knew and called him Papa. I don't even know where to begin describing this man. I know he was Brandon's biggest fan. All he ever wanted was to see him in the big leagues. He tells a story and he can tell it twice and three times and even again and it gets funnier each time. He wants nothing for himself, except maybe some sweets. When I was living there with them I would always find him in the treat cabinet and then I would find him feeding the dog half of his treat. I didn't have the heart to tell him not to feed the dog because I know how much he enjoyed this. He looked out for everyone. Made sure we all had what we needed. He was a jokester. He had an extremely large heart, even his doctors said so. For as many things that were wrong with it, he seemed like he had the perfect heart. My favorite phrase he said was, 'righchere' and when I wasn't sure what to talk with him about, which was a rare problem, I asked him about racing. He would talk your ear off if you let him. If you show up to their house at two in the morning don't think you can come in and slip in bed. No sir. You're gonna sit up and talk for an hour or so and he would even get in the kitchen and start whippin up some breakfast.
For only knowing him for less than two years I feel like I have known him forever. I can't imagine what our life is going to be like without him. It hurts. I know he is in a better place but the days without him are going to be quite different than we are used to. Papa will now be at each and every game of Brandon's cheering him on.
We love and miss you Papa.
ReplyDeleteI lost my biggest fan, my grandpa, just over one year ago so I know what you must be going through. I still miss him every day and my heart still hurts even thinking about it. But you are right, he will be at every single game. And you know what? I bet God's arms are quite comfy to rest in. I know nothing can really take away the pain, but let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Love, Karen