Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

This is where I spent my weekend. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Work Is To Play

Some days work goes like this and I LOVE it.

Want to see more head over here.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just Sayin'

Today I feel discouraged. 
Not in my relationship. 
Not with my family. 
Not with my friends. 
Not with my faith. 
But with my abilities to make my own dreams come true.
I write this blog so I never give up on myself. 
Just sayin'

8 Hour Challenge Results

Was the anticipation killing you?  I shut my lap top and went to work as soon as I posted the 8 Hour Challenge.

  • Print & mail engagement pictures for Moms and Grandmas for LATE Mom's Day Gifts

  • Make & mail LuxeBlossoms from a free giveaway 

  •  I love these two pictures backgrounds. Of course I forgot to take pictures of these blossoms at home and  needed something to put them on. Luckily I had some children's books in the car and  snapped some pics in in the post office parking lot. Sometimes you have to be resourceful.

  • Mail thank you notes for a few engagement gifts

  • Put away laundry, vacuum, and clean bathroom for a visitor I am having this weekend

  • Work on booth for Chocolate Ball - make at least 10 items - MADE 8

  • Wash and clean my purse

  • {this all dumped out of my purse: embarrassed}

  • Go to bank

  • Think about making wedding plans

  • Clearly I was successful. I thought the vacuum was broken, lame excuse I know.  I could not print the right size in all the pictures so that will have to be completed when I can get the images in a different format and the bank was closed by the time I went to town.  I went over on time by 30-40 minutes, but at least I was productive. I wanted to be able to cross off as many things as possible for you and myself so I was working hard and fast.  I once read, "A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest." I think about this every day I am being lazy and how I will probably stay lazy unless I do something. Make a timed challenge for yourself that is reasonable and see what you can accomplish. Hope you have busy,productive, & relaxing weekend. 

    Thursday, May 19, 2011

    8 Hour Challenge

    Lately I have had time management issues. Huge issues. I am using this blog post to challenge and not disappoint myself yet another day when I am off. 

    Here is my to do list for this afternoon and I will check back in tonight in approximately eight hours to see what I can prove to myself.

    • Print & mail engagement pictures for Moms and Grandmas for LATE Mom's Day Gifts
    • Make & mail LuxeBlossoms from a free giveaway 
    • Mail thank you notes for a few engagement gifts
    • Put away laundry, vacuum, and clean bathroom for a visitor I am having this weekend
    • Work on booth for Chocolate Ball - make at least 10 items
    • Wash and clean my purse
    • Go to bank
    • Think about making wedding plans
    I know I know, your list might be way longer and you have many more obstacles. It will be interesting to see what I can get done tho.

    To be continued...


    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

    Do you remember a few weeks ago when I was telling you about the blogosphere and all their giveaways? You will never believe one of the first times I enter I WIN! We'll I thought I won one of these handy dandy machines.

    This baby costs around three hundred dollars that I don't have. It ain't cheap so I was so stinking excited.  I {Heart} Nap Time sponsored a giveaway of Silhouette products. As I read down one Monday a few weeks ago I discovered I was the winner of just the EtchAll Glass Etch Cream from Silhouette. I admit I was slightly disappointed, for two seconds. Who cares? I won. I never win stuff. I received my package in the mail yesterday and even though it wasn't the high tech machine I was still excited! I love packages! I was even MORE excited when I opened to find all this additional stuff. 

    Silhouette - Universal Scraper
    Silhouette - Premium Vinyl
    Silhouette - Premium Transfer Paper
    Silhouette - Etch All

    THANKS SILHOUETTE and I {Heart} Nap Time

    I promise I will be showing you what I decide to make with my EtchAll cream. Thankfully my mom uses and has a program and cutter for vinyl I can use until I can win my silhouette. Giveaways are going on this week on a few of my favorite blogs and I hoping to go two for two on winning giveaways. 

    Also it is Peony season which is quick and you will miss it if you're not aware. I just want to share these gorgeous flowers. So full, luxurious, and sadly not blooming in November or on clearance. Ha Ha. Otherwise I would have flowers taken care of for the big day. Did I mention they smell like heaven? 

    Sunday, May 15, 2011


    I have news..are you ready for this? WEDDING DRESS!! I was never as worried about having buyers remorse as I was with this decision. After I "said yes to the dress" I was so confident,sure, and buyers remores free. I can invision now what I am going to look like the day I marry my best friend. Hopefully this decision will continue to snowball and more and more decisons can be made. Lately we I have been looking for our wedding location, no luck yet.

    I'll admit I am more excited to move on to the little things. I am going to try and make as much of our decorations as possible. Because creating is something I love to do and I think & hope it will be less expensive. I have been scouring the internet for ideas and have used one of my favorite websites practically everytime I sit down to do my 'wedding homework.' Which brings me to my newest OBSESSION that my sister introduced me to...

    This site has some of the most beautiful, funky, creative, inspiring, and awesome ideas for EVERYTHING. I don't exactly know how it works, how to sign up, or how to use it but I can only imagine if I did know this will totally and completely detain me from doing any other thing that needs to be done. I do know how to click on the Wedding & Event link and that is all I need for right now.  Here are a few things I have come across that may tie into the Levy/Dickson wedding this fall.

    A Smores Bar for the Groom
    I'm thinking he will fall more in love with me than he already is when he sees this brilliant idea.

    This is a personal FAVORITE! I love burlap and want to tie it into the decorations somehow. Maybe like this. Not sure.

    I just wanted to give you a tiny wedding update.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    On The Menu: Meatloaf

    I used to think meatloaf was the most disgusting dishes out there. The turnaround came when I was extremely hungry one night and that was for dinner. Tough love for Lauren. I ate the meatloaf. Much to my surprise, I LOVED it. 

    When I moved to AL I knew I would be trying some new cuisine and when Meatloaf was on the menu I was a bit apprehensive. I only liked Mom's meatloaf. Once again it was eat it or eat nothing. Two for two, I loved it. 

    My mom's recipe is a little more difficult, not much but it calls for beef and pork sausage and is a LOT of meatloaf. This is perfect for two (if you have a hungry other half) and only calls for ground beef.

    1 1/2 lb ground beef
    about 1/4 green pepper
    about 1/4 cup onion
    1 egg
    2 Slices of bread (crumbed/ripped to pieces)
    salt and pepper
    1/4 cup ketchup

    Mix all ingredients together. Bake in greased dish at 350 for 45 minutes to an hour. Pour off excess juices cooked from meatloaf. When ten minutes remain top with ketchup. Serve with whatever you want. 

    *you know how I love to cook add more or less or whatever YOU want*

    Eat. Eat. Eat. Enjoy!

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    Progress Post

    Single Blossom on chain with silver bead

    Single Blossom on chain with pearl

    Above & Below Trio Blossom Necklace

    Colors available - basics to start

    Saturday, May 7, 2011

    Mother's Day

    First and foremost, Happy Mother's Day MOM! Words can't describe my thankfulness for all that you have done and continue to do. I realize that even this day is as special as the last 27. Each year its something different. Last year you welcomed a new son-in-law to the family and next year there will be two. Hopefully in a few years you will be a Grandma and that too will just make this day more special for you. It is different now than when we were babies but no two Mother's Days will ever be the same. Motherhood is never over once your child is born. It is a lifetime commitment. 

    As my time as a nanny nears fifteen months I have been able to get a small glimpse into what motherhood will be like.  I am SO excited, however I have seen exactly how much work it is. Diapers. Feedings. Crying. Tantrums. Crawling. Walking. Rolling over. Sitting up. Sickness. Teething. Doctor visits. Shots. Spit up. Sleepless nights. Dirty house. Punishments. Naps.  But with the work comes the priceless moments that I am so unbelievable eager to experience. Kisses. Hugs. Baths. Giggles. Smiles. Cuddles. Laughs. The good baby smell. Falling asleep in my arms. Walking. Talking. Learning. Conversations. Hearing "Momma". 

    Oh this list could go on and on. Its a package deal. I think it is the bad that makes the good, great!

    Happy Mother's Day to any Moms or expecting Moms!

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    Today I Was Home MAY'd!

    Happy birthday to me!. Whoo Hoo! Today I am 24 years young! Time has flown. I love getting birthday cards or cards of any kind probably because I like sending them just as much. Since my sister works for Hallmark she has easy access to the best of the best in greeting cards. I am so lucky to have her as a sister. I always value her opinion, am overly sensitive to everything she says, and often respond defensively. I am trying hard to work on all of these things.  

    The card reads
    " When friends say they're 'close as sisters' - 
    We're the kind of sisters they mean. Happy Birthday

    So grateful for my family and especially her!

    My birthday was celebrated first by sleeping in. Okay so I wasted a little bit of it (only til noon), but seriously I love sleeping in so I think one day won't hurt. 

    Then my Mom joined me as I went to try on some more wedding dresses. Pretty sure I was successful this time, but I know the Big Guy upstairs was helping along with some other extra prayers. (It is National Day of Prayer)

    Onto some less serious shopping and dinner to finish the day. Nothing to crazy for Cinco de Drinko, as my brothers call it,  but I thought it was a perfect day. 

    Thanks Mom and Dad for bringing me into the world.

    Now I look forward to my half birthday also known as my wedding day!!

    The best things in life are homemade.

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011


    Tonight was spent in the kitchen. I made MEATLOAF and have the recipe via pics that I was all amped up to share with you. But that can wait a few posts if you will bare with me cause I have to announce some exciting news!

    Tonight I received

    award from a fellow blogger and woman I truly admire. Blair writes about the adventures as a professional athletes wife and unwavering faith it takes to succeed at such a challenge. Folks, IT AIN'T EASY! Period. She makes it entertaining and tells it how it is.

     Thanks Blair!!

    When receiving this award the rules are:
    1. Thank and link to the person who awarded you
    2. Share 7 facts about yourself
    3. Pass on the award to 7 new-found blog friends
    4. Let your friends know they were awarded!

    Here is a seven fact countdown about myself:
    7. Sometimes I forget the kids I nanny aren't mine, I love them so much. 
    6. Cardinal fan for life. Even before the fiancĂ©e came along.   
    5. I am terrible at making decisions, hence no wedding plans confirmed.
    4. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Yum.
    3. I never go to bed early enough.
    2. Painting my nails is one of my favorite pick me ups. 
    1. I chose a different lifestyle and career path to be with the one I love. 

    Not that interesting huh? Well now I get to dish out the award. Since I don't have seven blog friends I will choose a few in no particular order.

    Snitkerdoodle: Anxiously awaiting Hannah's return to the blogosphere to hear new endeavors as a Mom. Motherhood and an Army Wife is nothing less than versatile. 

    Pracht Party of 3: Another favorite! Watching a baby grow up before your eyes. It helps that he is oh so adorable! Working mom = versatile.

    Journalista: I find through Karen's photos we often overlook God's simple wonders. Her photographed subjects are versatile.

    Karla: Get blogging sista! We love seeing buoy and his versatile personality.

    Adam's Transplant: This story is so incredible and the versatile award is an understatement.

    What a great way to end my Tuesday. Meatloaf recipe coming soon.

    Tonight I received a text message that said this:
    (8:54) Sooooo cute. Sarah (name has been changed) prayed for Brandon tonight in her goodnight prayers. She told me his team isn't doing to good and he needs some extra help! 


    Sunday, May 1, 2011

    NEW Blossom Necklace

    Sometimes I have absolutely no idea what a project of mine will turn into. This might be my favorite party about creating. It is about evolving and adjusting and going with what you have. Not everything I make turns out, I just choose not to show that here. Although I could start a spin off blog of craft projects gone wrong. What I was getting at was that a simple hair barrette has been transformed into this dainty lil' summer accessory. The Blossoms them self are less than 1" in diameter. They are on a 15" chain with white satin ribbon to tie for an adjustable length.

     It is so precious.

    Now I have to get my little fingers busy and get ready for the Chocolate Ball.  It is less than 50 days away. How many do you think I can make before then?

    Philipians 4:13 
    "I can do ALL  things through Christ who strengthens me."