Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today I Was Home MAY'd!

Happy birthday to me!. Whoo Hoo! Today I am 24 years young! Time has flown. I love getting birthday cards or cards of any kind probably because I like sending them just as much. Since my sister works for Hallmark she has easy access to the best of the best in greeting cards. I am so lucky to have her as a sister. I always value her opinion, am overly sensitive to everything she says, and often respond defensively. I am trying hard to work on all of these things.  

The card reads
" When friends say they're 'close as sisters' - 
We're the kind of sisters they mean. Happy Birthday

So grateful for my family and especially her!

My birthday was celebrated first by sleeping in. Okay so I wasted a little bit of it (only til noon), but seriously I love sleeping in so I think one day won't hurt. 

Then my Mom joined me as I went to try on some more wedding dresses. Pretty sure I was successful this time, but I know the Big Guy upstairs was helping along with some other extra prayers. (It is National Day of Prayer)

Onto some less serious shopping and dinner to finish the day. Nothing to crazy for Cinco de Drinko, as my brothers call it,  but I thought it was a perfect day. 

Thanks Mom and Dad for bringing me into the world.

Now I look forward to my half birthday also known as my wedding day!!

The best things in life are homemade.

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Happy belated birthday! I'm a little behind on reading :( Mostly because I get caught up for hours in your blog! Like right now! I should be sleeping! ;)
