Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Tonight was spent in the kitchen. I made MEATLOAF and have the recipe via pics that I was all amped up to share with you. But that can wait a few posts if you will bare with me cause I have to announce some exciting news!

Tonight I received

award from a fellow blogger and woman I truly admire. Blair writes about the adventures as a professional athletes wife and unwavering faith it takes to succeed at such a challenge. Folks, IT AIN'T EASY! Period. She makes it entertaining and tells it how it is.

 Thanks Blair!!

When receiving this award the rules are:
1. Thank and link to the person who awarded you
2. Share 7 facts about yourself
3. Pass on the award to 7 new-found blog friends
4. Let your friends know they were awarded!

Here is a seven fact countdown about myself:
7. Sometimes I forget the kids I nanny aren't mine, I love them so much. 
6. Cardinal fan for life. Even before the fiancĂ©e came along.   
5. I am terrible at making decisions, hence no wedding plans confirmed.
4. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Yum.
3. I never go to bed early enough.
2. Painting my nails is one of my favorite pick me ups. 
1. I chose a different lifestyle and career path to be with the one I love. 

Not that interesting huh? Well now I get to dish out the award. Since I don't have seven blog friends I will choose a few in no particular order.

Snitkerdoodle: Anxiously awaiting Hannah's return to the blogosphere to hear new endeavors as a Mom. Motherhood and an Army Wife is nothing less than versatile. 

Pracht Party of 3: Another favorite! Watching a baby grow up before your eyes. It helps that he is oh so adorable! Working mom = versatile.

Journalista: I find through Karen's photos we often overlook God's simple wonders. Her photographed subjects are versatile.

Karla: Get blogging sista! We love seeing buoy and his versatile personality.

Adam's Transplant: This story is so incredible and the versatile award is an understatement.

What a great way to end my Tuesday. Meatloaf recipe coming soon.

Tonight I received a text message that said this:
(8:54) Sooooo cute. Sarah (name has been changed) prayed for Brandon tonight in her goodnight prayers. She told me his team isn't doing to good and he needs some extra help! 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sweet words, Friend! I wish I could say that my faith is unwavering (that has not been the case lately), but I appreciate the vote of confidence;) Hope you are doing great!
