Saturday, May 21, 2011

8 Hour Challenge Results

Was the anticipation killing you?  I shut my lap top and went to work as soon as I posted the 8 Hour Challenge.

  • Print & mail engagement pictures for Moms and Grandmas for LATE Mom's Day Gifts

  • Make & mail LuxeBlossoms from a free giveaway 

  •  I love these two pictures backgrounds. Of course I forgot to take pictures of these blossoms at home and  needed something to put them on. Luckily I had some children's books in the car and  snapped some pics in in the post office parking lot. Sometimes you have to be resourceful.

  • Mail thank you notes for a few engagement gifts

  • Put away laundry, vacuum, and clean bathroom for a visitor I am having this weekend

  • Work on booth for Chocolate Ball - make at least 10 items - MADE 8

  • Wash and clean my purse

  • {this all dumped out of my purse: embarrassed}

  • Go to bank

  • Think about making wedding plans

  • Clearly I was successful. I thought the vacuum was broken, lame excuse I know.  I could not print the right size in all the pictures so that will have to be completed when I can get the images in a different format and the bank was closed by the time I went to town.  I went over on time by 30-40 minutes, but at least I was productive. I wanted to be able to cross off as many things as possible for you and myself so I was working hard and fast.  I once read, "A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest." I think about this every day I am being lazy and how I will probably stay lazy unless I do something. Make a timed challenge for yourself that is reasonable and see what you can accomplish. Hope you have busy,productive, & relaxing weekend. 

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