Saturday, June 25, 2011

All Dressed Up, Again

If you are here reading this, I'm going to be honest right up front. This post was originally written back in April of 2010. I have expanded and become more active with my blog and other blogs in the blogosphere. I can not get enough of the creativeness out there on the web. I have been dying to have a good great 'craft' to link up on a link party. That is probably how you found me, unless you are one of my gracious ten followers which in reality might be six who read what I have to say on a regular basis. Thank you if you do!

I am sure there are many of you trying to make it as a professional blogger. I never intended to love my blog as much as I have grown to. I am not a writer as you have probably already found several grammatical errors. I just wanted a place to show my friends and family some different small craft projects. This is one from the very beginning.

I used to make paper shoes. Huh? Here take a peek. Ironically that was my first ever post at heaLD which has grown into kind.heARTed. I had to go back and change the original post's font color to black so you could read it. Like most things in life this has been a great process and time occupier for me and I have to say I am pretty proud of what it has become. I hope that I can continue to use my blog to keep my friends, family, and complete strangers updated on my journey ahead, whatever that may be. 

So this is my craft. My idea I have had tucked away from a year ago that I now realize I probably should invest more time in to see where it can go. Especially since many at the Chocolate Ball asked, "Hey aren't you the girl that had the paper dresses last year?"  

They are paper dresses that evolved from paper shoes. Inspired by a little princess who is growing quickly before my eyes. I know moms out there can't get enough of adorable kids clothes or is that just me the obsessive nanny? I hear friends of mine say they will buy stuff for their kids before they buy things for themselves. Is that true, boy do I hope to find out some day soon. Not too soon though.

What you will need. 
Scrapbook paper
Other Embellishments
What you will do.
Choose what shape and style dress you like. Glue or sew embellishments to your liking.
My dresses are small, less than 5", I'm not sure the exact measurement because styles vary. You can make them whatever size you want. That is whats so great about them.

I love these dresses. Any body type can wear them because they will just be hanging on your wall for you or your very only little girl to admire. I drew the patterns for dress styles I liked. Here I the first five dresses I made.

I created a wedding dress, nothing like the real dress I purchased for my upcoming wedding, a prom dress, and a camouflage dress. I recently did a style for a college graduate with a fashion degree and that is what made me realized I should share this project. They work for small kids or college grads as you can see one size fits all.

I hope you enjoyed my project. Now go on and get dressed or poke around kind.heARTed and see what I'm all about. 

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I love these! Very cute!
