Sunday, June 26, 2011

Easy Cheesy Lasagna

Has anyone else ever been bored on vacation? Well I am not quite there yet. It was just a question people. It is only day two and I was successful at being a bum again. That is until I got really hungry and the roommates (Mom & Dad) had prior engagements and were not home most the day. That means no home cooked dinner. Then around nine o'clock I get the bright idea to cook lasagna. I knew when I first got this recipe I wanted to share it. Its delicious, easy, and negative in calories. Okay small confession. This recipe is not really negative in calories, but I'll just continue to tell you that. 

What you will need:

1-2 lbs cooked ground beef
2 cans Tomato sauce - more if you want it saucy
1 pkg McCormick 
seasoning mix
Mix together 

Cheese mixture
3 cups cottage cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
2 eggs
Mix together in bowl

9-10 no boil lasagna noodles
4 cups mozzarella cheese

Begin by layering bottom of 9x13 dish with no boil lasagna noodles. Next pour part of meat/sauce mixture. Add Cheese mixture on top of that. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese. Repeat from beginning with noodles,meat sauce,cheese mix, and mozzarella until you use all mixtures. Bake at 350 degrees for thirty minutes. After baking for 20 minutes sprinkle any unused mozzarella cheese over top. 

There you have it. That is the easy cheesy lasagna I love. Let me tell you something, whether you eat it at seven or eleven its still taste the same. Plus I was practicing for years down the road when I have to prepare meals for the week for the fam on Sunday nights. Now I may have that ice cream Snickers I snagged while picking up groceries. It is vacation after all and I just had a huge plate of negative calorie lasagna.

Tomorrow I plan to put in some time at work and take care of some business that must be done. That is not cheating my vacay. I promise. Then Tuesday I will hit the road. I better get my ipod updated with some good summer tunes. What are you favorite summer jams?