Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fitness Frenzy

Salutations! Here is whats been distracting me from my craft creations. I've always enjoyed watching Jillian on The Biggest Loser and decided to give one of her DVDs a go. The first day after I did the workout I could barely sit down or go down stairs. I thought it was an AB workout, little did I know I was in for some fully body conditioning and several sets of squats.  Oh well, summer is coming and this means shorts and swim suits. YAHOO!

For my second distraction I present ZUMBA! 

A few classes a week for some excellent cardio doubles as a great stress reliever. If you have not tried a Zumba class I encourage you to try one, they are all over the United States. So much fun! It is excellent to because you do what you can and don't necessarily have to follow exact instructions. It is like that saying, 'dance like no one is watching,' only, 'Zumba like no one is watching.'  As of March 19th I will be certified to teach Zumba classes. This will be nice to have cause I can teach ANYWHERE and also will finally get my rear in gear to finish my ACE group fitness instructors certification.  


Honor God with your HEART and your ACTIONS.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


In the midst of all the packing that was going on, we decided to take a little trip. Someone was eager to get married. So we went this far, we got to door, and I couldn't do it! YIKES! Just joking. None of this really happened except we did have a few things to do in town and thought this would be a fun joke to play on a few people, well actually just my sister. =) Brandon really would have walked through those doors and said 'I do' but I knew that isn't really what I wanted my wedding day to be like. It did make for a good laugh though and she believed it for a second until I had to send her a picture of the marriage license too. Rookie mistake. I'll get her next time.

It also would have been really close to my sisters anniversary which is TODAY and that isn't fair to her. I can't believe its been a year already she has been married. I've been working hard giving subtle I want a niece or nephew hints. Oh well, I know I'll get to be an auntie someday.  Look how gorgeous and happy they are! Happy Anniversary Karla and Chris!

 Photos by: Jason Domingues Photography

But I can't forget about Buoy. He is my nephew and will do for now.

Check out his blog.

Hopefully I'll be back on the creative horse again soon.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Almost Moving Day

Can you believe it is moving day again? I know I can't. It seems I just got moved and situated here in Alabama and BAM its time to move again.  I am becoming an expert at packing the craft supplies if I will say so myself. 

Photo edited with Picnik

One of the things I am looking forward to is some creative projects that will be going on when I get back to Missouri. Say maybe a little redecoration (Only if I can talk Mom into it)  and some new apparel ideas.  I am NOT looking forward to being separated from my fiancĂ©e, BUT I also cannot help to be extremely excited for him and how the next few months of his life will play out. I can definitely fly solo for a few months while he only tiny steps away from making his dream come true!! Praise the Lord because it is going to be AMAZING! Here is a nice picture from Valentine's Day bad we won't be together this year.  Gotta finish packing...


I asked God to give me happiness. God said, "No. I give you blessings; happiness is up to you."
Author Unknown

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wedding + Blogs

Hey guess what I'm NOT gonna blog about today... Blossoms or any other type of hair accessories,  you're welcome!  But I can't say I have much to blog about except a few wedding ideas that I have stumbled across and also some blogs I have become obsessed with. 

The only thing we have picked out so far is  the season and that is this coming fall. Depending on baseball season and playoffs we will determine a more specific date. (Its actually been narrowed down to about five dif. weekends) Thats the thing about being a baseball wife, or trying to become one in my case, uncertainty is ALWAYS around the corner. It keeps it fresh you could say but it is amazing what it does for a relationship. I'm not looking forward to the separation that will begin Saturday (YIKES!!!) Way too soon if you ask me. Where did the last five months go. Oh well before you know I'll be enjoying one of my favorite places...the baseball diamond. I love a beautiful summer day at a ball game. Enough blabbing here are a few pics of two kinda important details of things I like.

Up first, locationThe Kenteska Plantation. This option is still up in the air based on these bad boys..$$$. We are trying to be VERY smart about our wedding budget and not digging a grave of debt before we get our little family started.  But here is the pics that will get your hopes up just like mine. hehe.

Second up is the dress. I know Brandon reads my blog but I have already shown him these few pics and he definitely won't be going with me when I look for dresses. Not because I won't let him but because I know he could find several better things to do with his time, but I love him just the same and who can blame the guy? This is what I think I am hunting. I haven't been dress shopping yet so I may try a few similar on and hate them or faint after looking at the price tag. 
I have no idea the brand of these dresses or where I took the pics from so for that I am sorry. 

 This one is actually a Jim Helm, just remembered. 

So there you have it. Just so you all think I have not totally forgotten that I have a wedding coming up I have been thinking of a few things. A girl can't help it. I'm just more excited to be married, but I do know this is going to be a very special and memorable day. 

Onto the FUN stuff. Yes planning a wedding is fun but this is double fun. I have become obsessed with a few other blogs as of lately. I can't help it with all the time on my hands.  I have tried to cut back on the social networking (see this post as for why) but alternatively I think I just transferred it to something else. 

I love to make and create and am super-dee-duper excited about having my our own home to decorate. These two blogs I can't get enough of :

This is where Brandon and I differ because he sees nothing wrong with this perfectly fine closet, nor do I...

....but look what Centsational Girl's magic wand turned it into...

GORGEOUS! The old saying DRAB TO FAB! Excellent work I'd say. 
Who doesn't want this closet?
 Its amazing! At least I think so.

And hats off to Shelley of House of Smiths. What a wonderMom! Go check it out for some amazing projects and occasionally a good laugh. Her children crack me up. 

  So you see I have gone from a Facebook junkie to a blog addict in no time flat. The best part is all the blogs these two follow link me to more and the ones they follow to even more and on and on and welp I've spent my whole day reading others blogs while neglecting mine, poor thing. So this is an attempt to entertain y'all (yeah I said it I've lived here for three months now I think its acceptable) for a few minutes just as those blogs entertain me. 


-Love makes a house a home-