Friday, February 11, 2011

Almost Moving Day

Can you believe it is moving day again? I know I can't. It seems I just got moved and situated here in Alabama and BAM its time to move again.  I am becoming an expert at packing the craft supplies if I will say so myself. 

Photo edited with Picnik

One of the things I am looking forward to is some creative projects that will be going on when I get back to Missouri. Say maybe a little redecoration (Only if I can talk Mom into it)  and some new apparel ideas.  I am NOT looking forward to being separated from my fiancĂ©e, BUT I also cannot help to be extremely excited for him and how the next few months of his life will play out. I can definitely fly solo for a few months while he only tiny steps away from making his dream come true!! Praise the Lord because it is going to be AMAZING! Here is a nice picture from Valentine's Day bad we won't be together this year.  Gotta finish packing...


I asked God to give me happiness. God said, "No. I give you blessings; happiness is up to you."
Author Unknown

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