Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fitness Frenzy

Salutations! Here is whats been distracting me from my craft creations. I've always enjoyed watching Jillian on The Biggest Loser and decided to give one of her DVDs a go. The first day after I did the workout I could barely sit down or go down stairs. I thought it was an AB workout, little did I know I was in for some fully body conditioning and several sets of squats.  Oh well, summer is coming and this means shorts and swim suits. YAHOO!

For my second distraction I present ZUMBA! 

A few classes a week for some excellent cardio doubles as a great stress reliever. If you have not tried a Zumba class I encourage you to try one, they are all over the United States. So much fun! It is excellent to because you do what you can and don't necessarily have to follow exact instructions. It is like that saying, 'dance like no one is watching,' only, 'Zumba like no one is watching.'  As of March 19th I will be certified to teach Zumba classes. This will be nice to have cause I can teach ANYWHERE and also will finally get my rear in gear to finish my ACE group fitness instructors certification.  


Honor God with your HEART and your ACTIONS.

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