Sunday, March 31, 2013

Viewing Party

I just sent our families to bed. It is a little after two in the morning  in the states and we just finished watching Brandon's game together. Now before you ask for the site to watch the game.. there isn't one, or there could be but I have no clue what or where it is.
I am not tech savvy at all but got the wild haired idea that I could set my computer in front of the TV then video chat with family back home broadcasting the game.
It worked. With a few quirks and minor technical difficulties, both my family (Tag included) and Brandon's got to watch and witness his first start and win of the season. Not to mention a few extra supportive friends of ours. I truly believe he did so well today because he knew he had support back home watching and cheering for him.
If that wasn't fun enough, let me tell you it was, then we got to hear this guy and his post game interview and I quickly recorded it for you all to hear. I was beaming from ear to ear I was so happy for him. I love him more and more each day and when he is happy, I'm happy!
I can't explain how grateful we are for this opportunity. It continues to bless our socks off. Thank you, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your unending support.


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