Saturday, March 30, 2013

Randoms from Week 4

Hello, slacker here. I do not have much to report on our end.
The season has officially started -- YAHOO!
I have turned into an excellent chef. Homemade chicken noodle soup. Minus the noodles but over rice was just as tasty.

I made a delicious tomato cream sauce pasta to celebrate opening night. I also drank coke from a wine glass because I am fancy like that AND I have been giving in to the soda cravings. I need something American in my life. Although it's not like it used to be and makes my stomach a little crazy. I also discovered that Pizza Hut delivers to our building so THAT is good news. Can I get an Amen? Pizza party next week for sure!

Forgot this awesome video from the game last week. It was a city rivalry game between the Hanshin Tigers and the Orix Buffaloes. Way more Tigers fans.. oh well. This is the 7th inning stretch ritual here. No singing of take me out to the ball game, instead these balloons are just as fun, right? Nothing like celebrating with balloons that look like male reproductive cells. This was post game after the Tigers claimed victory.
Also missing everyone this Easter holiday but found a way to still hear the good news online. You can watch here if you just can't get out of bed some Sunday mornings. I have heard there is a church some of the other Americans ball players that live in our building go to so I'm going to do more research to find out where and when. Just another way to meet and make some friends!
In other news I am three movies deep in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Not sure why I've never seen any of them but figured now is as good of time as any to get on board. Pun intended. Slightly obsessed with becoming a pirate, not really but Keira makes it look fun. And because I can't just sit still and watch a movie I started another cross stitch project.
I have one sightseeing location on my list while Brandon is gone mostly for the photos (and shopping) and I haven't figured out which day is going to be best to go. I would like to be there at night but slightly afraid of getting disoriented, not lost. Perhaps I'll go twice, once during the day and once at night. Good plan right?
Okay sorry I have no raw egg stories but everyday can't be that adventurous. If you decided to go out to eat this weekend and enjoy some fine American cuisine please dedicate a bite or two for me. Oh and if you know how to order a pizza in Japanese please email me - you'd be my hero.
Hope you all have a Happy Easter!

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