Friday, May 25, 2012

We've Moved ... Again!

We've moved!! I was sitting in the coffee shop catching up on some blogging and reflecting on the previous days events. My husband had just left for an eight game road trip the day before. I was planning on going home for the week while he was away, but for some reason I decided to stick around Memphis for a few days before I went home.

As I was sitting there my dad called me to tell me that one of the pitchers had gotten hurt during the game. I was simultaneously texting my husband joking about getting a flight out to Vegas where their first series was. Unfortunately tickets were 900 and not budget friendly. For fun, I looked up flights to LA because that's where the St. Louis team was currently playing and thinking just maybe he would get called up. 

A little over an hour later he text me saying he was flying to LA tomorrow (Friday). As I was sitting there hopped up on espresso I didn't know what to do first. Do I pack? What do I pack? Do I get on a plane out west? I waited to hear from him again around midnight, he was on west coast time.

We talked and finally decided to pack it all - our entire apartment and I would just meet him in STL Monday. At one in the morning I began washing dishes and packing. I've never  been more frustrated as I sat there feeling like a dum dum trying to pack a PS3 that I could not get in the box! I went to bed around four am exhausted. I woke up at eleven and knew I had a daunting task ahead of me. I know I've told you before but I stink at packing the car and always rely on either Brandon or my dad to do it for me.

But being that I was completely alone, I had to rise to the challenge. My mantra for the day was 'just do it.' If there was a form of initiation for mlb wives -- I feel like this is it. Sadly, this will probably happen to me many more times in our baseball future but it's so worth it for the outcome.

I carried things to the truck one by one. I had to make sure to always have my keys, to get back in the building and to lock the truck between each trip. I think I easily made 30 trips.

Here I am, sweaty, tired, and happy to be heading north.

We left the majority of our things at my parents house an hour away and have been staying at a hotel downtown since Monday. I had a bit of time home over the weekend and I got to spend some time with my favorite kids. Other than that I've been at our hotel enjoying this special time with my guy and some with out him.

Brandon has pitched in two game so far, doing great in both. Here he is on tv. Somedays it doesn't seem real. I still get nervous for him. I do because he doesn't. I don't understand it, but I guess if you've been doing something your whole life it seems natural.

Saturday May 19th - pitched the 8th

Thursday May 24 - pitched one out in the 4th with bases loaded and the 5th

I didn't mean to leave you all hanging all week. I have brought nothing with me for the week except clothes and the necessities, which didn't include my computer or any sewing/crafting paraphernalia. I did have to venture our yesterday and make an appearance at a fabric store so I don't completely lose touch with my inner seamstress.

It is such a joy for me to be watching Brandon's dreams come true. Thankfully to him and baseball I get to experience some pretty cool things. I am going with him for part of his upcoming road trip. Our first stop is in Atlanta which is the closest he will ever play to home. Then we are heading to New York. Orignially I wasn't going to go but decided to take the opportunity. You only live once. Neither of us have ever been so we are pretty excited.

P.S. If you haven't checked it out yet...I'm giving away one of my vintage clutches here along with some other great goodies from some other fabulous bloggers!


  1. i love every last bit of this my dear!!! SO excited for yall!! :)

  2. So excited for you guys! Danny texted me as soon as McClellan got hurt. And we were watching him pitch that inning with the bases loaded, and were so incredibly nervous for him. LOL. I can't imagine how you feel! Good luck in the next couple series!

  3. Hello I found your blog through another reader of mine and I just wanted to tell you I live in St. Louis area ands its great to being reading a blog of someone close by. Congrats to you and your husband. My husband and I are big Cardinals Fans.
