Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Early Anniversary Trip

Okie doke.. I don't know if this is gonna work, I'm writing from the trusty ol iPhone. I'm currently in Atlanta waiting at the airport. This is the first part of our anniversary trip. Our anniversary isn't until November but we already have several things planned for the offseason and adding anoter trip isn't probable. Originally I was only coming to Atlanta for a few days because it's the closest he will play to Alabama an we knew friends and family would be coming to visit. The next series is in New York and I decided last minute I wanted to go. I don't plan to travel with him all the time this is just a special treat. We had so much fun visiting with our friends and their kids! Pictures to come when I get back home. If you asked me where home is right now, I'd have to struggle to come up with an answer. Our stuff is stored at my parents house for now. We are not sure at this point if we will get a place in STL or not. I'm still working on canceling things from our Memphis apartment. It's hectic and stressful. I've never been to the Big Apple and am pretty excited and nervous. Our hotel is in Times Square. If you've been and have any recommendations I'd love to hear. Tomorrow is an off day which means I'm going full on tourist for the day! Stay tuned to my instagram feed for the most current updates on our trip!


  1. have fun lady!!! there is always a reason to celebrate your wedding! and ps will email you soon!

  2. yay yay yayyyyyyyyy!!! now let me think of good places in NYC!

  3. Have so much fun!!!!! If you have time, I definitly recommend getting (real) pizza hah that is something I desperately miss down here. This is my favorite place in new york.. Bella Vita.. it isn't far from times square!

  4. Have fun! If you decide to stay in STL, then we should have a blogger meet up :)
