Saturday, March 31, 2012

Final Words From FL

Final greetings from time-out. If you would have told me 51 days ago how fast our stay here in Florida would be, I wouldn't have believed you. But here I am with the car packed ready to move on to our next adventure in Memphis. Also known as the regular season. I find that ironic because there is really going to be nothing regular about this season, at least not to me.

A few things I learned while in Florida.

  • I am NO chef when only equipped with just a toaster, crock pot, and griddler. I just couldn't arise to the challenge. Mr. Crockpot may have been used more if soup sounded good on an 80 degree day but it never did.
  • I love Shake 'N Pour pancakes. So easy. I even got smart and added blueberries. Genius I tell you.

  • We do get on each others nerves. Not a lot, but it happened once and we made it through it. We are normal after all.
  • I can survive without Wifi. I didn't like it. But the first time I can post from my couch or bed I will be thrilled and will probably tell you about it.
  • I can also survive without doing laundry. For three weeks. Hate to admit it but it's true. Then it turns into a fun day date. 
  • I love palm trees and taking pictures of them.
  • Although I hated not having a Hobby Lobby close, I decided Jo Anns has a better fabric selection. Don't worry, I didn't wear out my welcome. They didn't know my name but I think they were on to me. 
  • We are still fasting sweets/candy/desserts but I know two places I am going first thing next year when we come back. Rita's and It's Sugar. You will be missed until I can return to you. Rita's is basically a flavored icee + custard. When we can again, I will do a DIY on this. You're welcome. So good.  It's Sugar is this dream come true candy store. Sigh. 
  • And finally the coolest thing about living in Florida in a studio apartment with my man and spending lots and lots of time together while I leave bobby pins, fabric, clothes, and everything else a mess - our faith and our marriage have grown stronger. We had so many wonderful opportunities, that we took advantage of in full force, the past month and a half to learn and expand our faith and know that this was in preparation for the upcoming season. We appreciate any and all prayers from our friends and family during this crazy journey. It doesn't get said enough how thankful we are. Can't wait to keep sharing with you all.

So long beautiful Florida. Looking forward to seeing you again next February!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Last Week In Florida

I can't believe our time here in Florida is down to days. It seems like we just got here. We have not gone to the beach or pool near enough. I will be making up for that in the next few days.

The seven weeks prior I've kept myself busy learning to sew, watching baseball, and hosting visitors. Wow. It's so crazy thinking that most of the new things I've sewn have been while we were here. It's awesome. I am going to be SO sad leaving. I have grown to LOVE Florida. If I hadn't married a country boy I would think maybe I could talk him into moving here. Not going to happen. Moving on.

Do you love my new 44oz cup? I do. I enjoyed the movie as well. I was giddy the entire time. It's almost exactly how I imagined it. So did my Mr. because he started reading the first book. He usually doesn't read so this is sort of a big deal.

I was blessed with this beautiful view one morning this week when I dropped BD off at the field. Sometimes I HATE waking up early but this was so breathtaking it was worth it.

One of the other wives had a baby shower this week so I busted out some really adorable rosette headbands for the new baby coming in May. I love making headbands. Unfortunately so do 200 other bloggers and shop owners. Oh well, I can spoil my friends and family "fo free."

And finally this week I leave you with a project I am pumped to announce I completed in under 24 hours. In a post coming soon you will understand that actually finishing a project is a huge deal. I have seen this skirt from Lil Blue Boo on numerous occasions when looking for easy patterns to try and sew. I had some red jersey laying around and I was saving it for this skirt. Let me tell you sewing with jersey knit is not that easy. But I continued on to see if this was going to work like I planned. Luckily with the gathering and ruffles it's very forgiving. Maybe I like sewing with jersey knit after all.

As soon as I get back home and get to see my little lady I will show you just how cute this skirt is! I think I should make one in my size next. It feels so comfortable and is perfect for spring and summer. Plus jersey comes in so many bright fun colors. Yes, I think I'll be making my own.

Now it's time for me to go relax by the pool and enjoy our final few days in the sun. Later gators.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Way To Give

Hey friends! I know in several places around the world spring is starting to pop up. Isn't it glorious? I'll be updating you soon via Instagram pics. It really is my favorite iPhone app and I'm addicted.

If you're a blogger you will agree that you make amazing connections with others. The Mr. laughs when I call a blogger buddy a friend, because he says we can't be friends if we haven't met. I disagree. I have made some awesome friends through blogging and because of that next week when we move to Memphis I actually get to meet up with one. Then there are others that you start to text frequently either for advice on an idea or to vent about something more personal. Its awesome. 

I was blessed with the ability to be crafty and I never take that for granted. Sometimes is frustrating though because I wish there could be ways to help others using this awesome gift. I love nothing more than to GIVE things I make to others. It makes me happy. Really really happy.

It was revealed to me there is a way I can help others. A fellow blogger is going on an amazing mission trip this fall. You can read more about her trip to Ethiopia here and the organization she is helping here. I contacted Jen and told her I would like to donate some of my handmade goods - clutches, rosette headbands, etc - and she can then turn around, sell them, and the profits are hers for her upcoming trip. Her goal is $2700 and she has currently raised $215.  She has a ways to go but I have no doubt she will reach that goal with ease.

I'm helping her organize and collect donations for this raffle. At this time we are seeing if there is anyone else that wants to donate product from their online shop or even advertising space on their blog. Big or small. Then there will be a raffle. Each entry will be one dollar. $1 =1 entry. $2 = 2 entries and so on. I know it's great to win giveaways for free, but I love that this particular raffle has a cause behind it other than promoting a shop or blog. 

I'll just say it makes me giddy thinking about being able to help her raise money for something she loves by doing something I love and am passionate about. 

                                      Source: via kisa on Pinterest

She is still looking for donations for the raffle so if you are interested or need more information email Jen here: Please help spread the word if you personally don't have a shop but know someone who does that might be interested in donating.  


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Available Now!

My new clutches are made with adorable cotton fabric measuring 11 x 9 after folded.
This clutch can be used for an afternoon or evening out. It can also be used as a case for iPads. Already have a case? Then consider this a slip cover. This clutch is lined with lightweight interfacing. There is NOT extra padding. 
Closes with matching ties into a bow. 
This clutch is reversible if you choose. Just iron on low to get rid of the wrinkles.

This,That, and a Sneak Peek

Happy Hunger Games week. Can you believe it's here? If you don't know what I'm talking about please quit reading and go download Hunger Games on your ereader or check it out at your local library. Although I doubt there are copies available for check out so find another way to get your hands on the book. You won't be disappointed. I couldn't help it when I saw this at Starbucks this week. It's a line playing over and over on TV and in my head. 

" I volunteer as...

I am loving these little nuggets of wisdom you can find at Cracker Barrel. We dined there this week and I loved it. It's the closest thing to homecooking we can find. 

Speaking of food... I must be a kid again because this was my cereal choice for the week. 

I also did some fabric shopping. All the pieces I picked out remind me of my Grandma Norma. I can't figure out exactly why but that makes me love them that much more. She would love to see that I've taken up sewing. At the time I had a different purpose for the fabrics than what I am actually using them for. I didn't mean to jump on the iPad cover/case/cozy/snuggie bandwagon that so many shops online offer but I just couldn't help it. Especially at the request of a few readers. I'll soon be introducing you to the new fold over clutch that is ipad compatible. 

I'm a sucker for cuteness, I hope you will be too.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Messenger Bag

Here is my new messenger bag. 
I kinda love it. 
It's perfect for spring, summer, and the beach!

If YOU want one, I'm taking custom orders. 

I'll even throw in a CHOOSE JOY bracelet.

My sister ended up going home with a bag in these lovely colors. 

Hope you're having a lovely Monday.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Visitors & More

Wow! For the last ten days straight we have had family here. It's been so nice and as of this afternoon its just the two of us again.  Yes we are going to the movies tonight. Hehe.

When his family was here the rain was our biggest enemy. For both the games we went to there was a rain delay. The first game resumed after almost a two hour delay. The second they called early. Making plans with family always seems to be a challenge, especially with mine. Trying to coordinate eight people with three vehicles in three different hotels gets tricky. Golf, beach, Brandons hectic schedule, Mizzou game,spring training, meals, -- I'm exhausted rethinking all of it. My parent's rental car was a Cube and everytime that little blue box whizzed around the corner we couldn't help but laugh. It was like a circus car. We love our families so much and we are lucky they came to visit. Now that they are gone it seems lonely. We didn't get a single pic while Brandon's family was here. This is my family at dinner this weekend. For once we were all happy at the same time.

On top of having visitors we had some pretty significant changes take place as far as baseball and the upcoming season. If you need some background on that process read back over this to get caught up. Thursday we found out BD will be starting the season in Memphis. He is no longer training or playing with the big club. It's very hard news to take even when you know it's coming. Hearing him say the words, "I got sent down," never gets easy and I'm sure he hates saying them more than I hate hearing them. It's only a shock for the next day or so until we figure out that it's going to be fine! No matter where we are this year we get to be together so that makes it easier. 

Now I get to start setting up housing in Memphis and we have NO clue how long we will be there. It could be days, weeks, months, and maybe not even all consecutive. I believe we will be making several moves from STL to Memphis and back throughout the 2012 season. And I finally get to meet Alyssa from Ten Feet Off Beale and I'm super excited about that. She can show me all the awesome things to do while we are there.

On a totally different note we are currently fasting sweets,desserts, and candy!  The church we go to here is doing 21 days of prayer and fasting leading up to Easter and we decided to partake. Today is the third day and I never realized how much I think about and crave candy. If you need any prayers let me know... we have 19 more days to go. It's an awesome challenge, sacrifice, and learning experience and we are loving every minute of it, minus the twitching from lack of sugar.

Finally, I made my sister and brother's girlfriend awesome messenger bags with pockets (yay me) and totally forgot to take pictures. As soon as they take some for me I'll show you. I almost couldn't part with them, but I love making things for the people I love! I'm also making Brandon's mom and sister bags with fabric they picked out while they were here. They get the family discount - free. I will take custom orders, if you're interested email me for details - I'm also thinking of adding a simple reversable beach tote to the shop, but I haven't commited yet. 

Needless to say its been a busy ten days. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Another IG Dump

Wello friends. Thats like well and hello put together - get me? I'm kinda feeling like the dorky kid right now cause its Friday and I'm blogging. I'll never forget a famous quote my younger brother said one sticks with me.

"You're lame. Not only are you making Turtles, you're blogging about making Turtles." 

True story. My man crashes early these days what am I supposed to do besides blog and rack up points on Draw Something ( fyi username laurenD65 play me I'm funny at drawing).  Enough about me.

How've you been all week? Ok enough about you - back to me. #selfcenteredmuch I've been staying off the internet because, um, well, uh, yeah.. I don't have good reason. Basically I'm lazy and don't have unlimited internet on my phone. I hardly ever go days with instagramming so if you CAN'T live without me, which I'm sure you can't, then check me out there.

BD's family got into town tonight - YAY- and my family will be getting here starting Wednesday! I'm pretty much beside myself I haven't seen them since.... January and for me thats TOO long. Company at dinner is nice.

I was going to have a normal post with photos NOT from my phone, but my awesome photographer - BD - decided to have a man-date and I wasn't ready before then for the photo shoot.

I had a terrible morning and tried to post this in order to help myself. #fail. Unfortunately it didn't work. I did not choose to be happy. Blah. I want to erase today and start over. I didn't treat my husband very nicely at all. #badwife I will take full responsibility even though I'd like to blame it on the deathly cramps that took over my body. PMS = pretty much sucked.  Too (is it to or too) much info yes but you need to know that I have bad days too. Also I don't usually talk about things like this on the blog. Periods won't be a frequent topic. Anyway.. I haven't had many bad days lately but today was a bad one. They are not all hunky dory filtered instagram pics. Truth. That's another reason I'm writing, it makes me feel better. 

I was productive this week making myself TWO things. Both which I'll get you better photos of soon. A skirt of this crazy print using a pattern. Now I've learned and can do the next one without a pattern. I honestly don't know how often I'll wear it but at least if I'll my other clothes burn I won't be nakey. Can't wait to tell you about the great skirt debacle of 2012. 

The other is my new messenger bag. I love it!

In fact these are the first two things that I've made for me!! Everything else has been for others.

Thursday I did our signature home cooked meal here at the apartment. Ever in a jam these are go-to. Just add water. Even dum dums can do it. 

I've discovered I love these alone or dumped in with some cake batter frozen yogurt. Mini yummy bears.

I have puppy fever again. Like right now, I'd love to cuddle up with said puppy and just watch some TV since my husband has been sleeping since 9:45. But not gonna happen for a while. Although we did make a deal to throughly discuss it as an option if we start the season in STL. Instead I cuddle up with my iPhone searching #puppies and #dogs on IG. 

But all in all I know that...

P.S. The neighbor has her slider door open so I got to blog from the couch. Yip Yip Yippe. No time out stairs for this girl! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Place

First of all friends if I haven't told you lately, which is a very good possibility because I have been trying to cut back on the time I spend on the net. My google reader has over 700 unread posts. Somethings gotta give. Anyway...

If you DON'T like baseball you should probably stop reading right now. Today was the opening game for spring training! Luckily my man got to work for a couple innings. They couldn't pull out a win against the Miami Marlins, but only lost by one run. An excellent effort and comeback in the ninth.

Expect to be seeing lots more photos similar to this. I can't help it that a baseball game is one of my favorite places to be! 

The Mr. took a line drive to his hind end and I begged him for a picture of the shiner but he said no. It's a perfect round circle right on the tush. Sorry friends, gotta keep it PG here on the blog. He will probably be upset for me even writing this but truth is truth and it makes me giggle a little bit. Sidenote - Happy four months of marriage to us!

Other things happened over the weekend include admiring the gorgeous flowers, a day trip to the beach, and of course practicing my sewing skills.

*******I interrupt this post because I just received a Tango call from two of my favorite kids EVER! They make my heart melt.**** 

You can see I'm sitting in time-out too right now. 

My heart is so happy. Tonight I'm cooking dinner here (pancakes) and we are staying in. I hope you all had a great weekend and a good Monday. Just remember Friday will be here before you know it.