Monday, March 26, 2012

A Way To Give

Hey friends! I know in several places around the world spring is starting to pop up. Isn't it glorious? I'll be updating you soon via Instagram pics. It really is my favorite iPhone app and I'm addicted.

If you're a blogger you will agree that you make amazing connections with others. The Mr. laughs when I call a blogger buddy a friend, because he says we can't be friends if we haven't met. I disagree. I have made some awesome friends through blogging and because of that next week when we move to Memphis I actually get to meet up with one. Then there are others that you start to text frequently either for advice on an idea or to vent about something more personal. Its awesome. 

I was blessed with the ability to be crafty and I never take that for granted. Sometimes is frustrating though because I wish there could be ways to help others using this awesome gift. I love nothing more than to GIVE things I make to others. It makes me happy. Really really happy.

It was revealed to me there is a way I can help others. A fellow blogger is going on an amazing mission trip this fall. You can read more about her trip to Ethiopia here and the organization she is helping here. I contacted Jen and told her I would like to donate some of my handmade goods - clutches, rosette headbands, etc - and she can then turn around, sell them, and the profits are hers for her upcoming trip. Her goal is $2700 and she has currently raised $215.  She has a ways to go but I have no doubt she will reach that goal with ease.

I'm helping her organize and collect donations for this raffle. At this time we are seeing if there is anyone else that wants to donate product from their online shop or even advertising space on their blog. Big or small. Then there will be a raffle. Each entry will be one dollar. $1 =1 entry. $2 = 2 entries and so on. I know it's great to win giveaways for free, but I love that this particular raffle has a cause behind it other than promoting a shop or blog. 

I'll just say it makes me giddy thinking about being able to help her raise money for something she loves by doing something I love and am passionate about. 

                                      Source: via kisa on Pinterest

She is still looking for donations for the raffle so if you are interested or need more information email Jen here: Please help spread the word if you personally don't have a shop but know someone who does that might be interested in donating.  



  1. AWESOME!!!!! So glad you are helping :) & it made my giddy to help her too! I donated some money this morning :)

  2. love you Lauren! Look at you making a difference in this way :)

  3. you are so sweet to help Jen out! What Jen is doing is amazing. And girl I am with you, I love the true friends I've made through blogging. Sometimes I can count on them more than I can my real life friends!

  4. I love her cause! Definitely feels good to help out a fellow blogger :) I donated, too! You go, girlie.
