Saturday, March 31, 2012

Final Words From FL

Final greetings from time-out. If you would have told me 51 days ago how fast our stay here in Florida would be, I wouldn't have believed you. But here I am with the car packed ready to move on to our next adventure in Memphis. Also known as the regular season. I find that ironic because there is really going to be nothing regular about this season, at least not to me.

A few things I learned while in Florida.

  • I am NO chef when only equipped with just a toaster, crock pot, and griddler. I just couldn't arise to the challenge. Mr. Crockpot may have been used more if soup sounded good on an 80 degree day but it never did.
  • I love Shake 'N Pour pancakes. So easy. I even got smart and added blueberries. Genius I tell you.

  • We do get on each others nerves. Not a lot, but it happened once and we made it through it. We are normal after all.
  • I can survive without Wifi. I didn't like it. But the first time I can post from my couch or bed I will be thrilled and will probably tell you about it.
  • I can also survive without doing laundry. For three weeks. Hate to admit it but it's true. Then it turns into a fun day date. 
  • I love palm trees and taking pictures of them.
  • Although I hated not having a Hobby Lobby close, I decided Jo Anns has a better fabric selection. Don't worry, I didn't wear out my welcome. They didn't know my name but I think they were on to me. 
  • We are still fasting sweets/candy/desserts but I know two places I am going first thing next year when we come back. Rita's and It's Sugar. You will be missed until I can return to you. Rita's is basically a flavored icee + custard. When we can again, I will do a DIY on this. You're welcome. So good.  It's Sugar is this dream come true candy store. Sigh. 
  • And finally the coolest thing about living in Florida in a studio apartment with my man and spending lots and lots of time together while I leave bobby pins, fabric, clothes, and everything else a mess - our faith and our marriage have grown stronger. We had so many wonderful opportunities, that we took advantage of in full force, the past month and a half to learn and expand our faith and know that this was in preparation for the upcoming season. We appreciate any and all prayers from our friends and family during this crazy journey. It doesn't get said enough how thankful we are. Can't wait to keep sharing with you all.

So long beautiful Florida. Looking forward to seeing you again next February!

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