Friday, July 8, 2011

Play By Play

I have to get this documented so years down the road I can remember how exactly crazy the last week has been. Quick recap - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were spent in Tampa. I flew home Sunday night where my parents picked me up at the airport with Brandon. Yes he beat me back, crazy I know! So please bare with me its lengthy but hopefully you can capture just how exhausting the last few days have been.

MONDAY July 4th
So on Monday, the 4th, I have to pick up my car they drove to the airport and make it to BD's game. My brother was in town so he came to the hotel picked me up and we drove to the airport to meet my family and get car. My brother and I drove back downtown in our separate vehicles where we parked and headed to the game. I forgot my cell phone and pretty much had to have it. I hiked back a few blocks to get it putting us at the game about three innings late due to the airport car switcheroo and forgetfulness of the lifeline. So glad my bro is patient. We didn't get to see BD toss but we did get this sweet rainbow. It was actually a double rainbow but I suppose I forgot to snap a pic.

Brandon and I walked into the sea of people under the arch to catch a great firework show. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!  

Read on if you want more...

Tuesday, July 5th
Have you ever started your morning like this? Let me explain what this is. [Photo above] Brandon's hotel is downtown STL so I stayed there Monday night since we decided there would be too many drunkies out on the road. Tuesday when I woke up to leave at 6 am I found myself locked in the parking garage. UGH!!! Yes, I had to take a picture and laugh at myself even as I may have cried a tear or two in frustration from all the little things that kept going wrong. I parked the car walked up to the front desk where the desk clerk was not so nice and pretty much called me stupid with her looks because I parked on the wrong side of the hotel's garage. It took four people to finally get me out of the garage and on my way an hour later. By the way it was the oversize vehicle parking for the hotel so I wasn't really on the wrong side. 

Tuesday evening I went to the game with the people I work for and their five year old daughter who I babysit. Twenty miles down the road I get the bright idea to ask if they remembered the tickets.  [Enter cricket chirp here] No tickets. We made it to the game a few innings in and waited patiently for Brandon to get in the game. He never made it in but the Cardinals won and she enjoyed devouring ballpark cuisine.  

[We had to convert the french fry cup to ice cream holder because it was everywhere]

[Cotton waiting patiently in the bullpen]

Oh hey, did I mention I have been dog/cat sitting since Monday when my family left? Well I am. They probably hate me as their sitter because I had been gone pretty much all day everyday. I made several trips home just to make sure these pooches are taken care of. And they have gotten lots of treats out of guilt.

Wednesday, July 6th
I had to be at work early. I took the kids to the pool. Even though I was already dog tired the idea of the pool seemed great. Maybe not the best idea. The game was at 7:15 Wednesday so I knew I had plenty of time to get home, take care of pets, shower and still make it to the game with out rushing after work. Unfortunately the score was 5-0 before I made it out of town and KNEW he was going to pitch. I still had a good 50 minute drive ahead of me. So much for thinking I wouldn't be late. I sped a lot and I'm not proud of it. I listened to the game on the radio hoping by some miracle they could have a long inning of offense. I heard when he started warming up and was so bummed I was missing it. For some reason they used a different pitcher first buying me time. Phew. I squeezed into a tiny parking spot. I walked fast to get to the field, get my ticket, and find my seat. I sat down as he threw his last two warm-up pitches. God's timing has been impeccable, thankfully! I have no photos just video and hopefully I can get them up in the next week or so. 

When he started pitching they were losing 8-0. Two and a third innings later the score was 8-7, what a comeback. It was such a fun and exciting game. He also got his first big league hit [WHOOP WHOOP] and again was grins from ear to ear. Overall it was an awesome first home game.  I stayed with him Wednesday night and when I kissed him goodbye Thursday morning, I knew that it might be the last time for a while, although I was praying it wasn't.

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