Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big League Debut

I never intended for this blog to be about baseball or the ups and downs it brings. But being that it is going to be such a huge part of my life and I will love having this documented for our children someday, I will continue on with the baseball journey.

Friday morning I boarded a flight, not originally mine, to catch a connecting flight to Tampa. I couldn't believe when I walked through the concourse and checked the departures board to find DELAYED next to my flight. It was rescheduled for two and half hours later making it impossible to make the connection. Fortunately the flight leaving the gate where mine was scheduled was going to same place and they allowed passengers from my flight to board and fill all the seats. I was the third to last person to get on that flight. It was close, but I knew somehow someway I was going to make it for his first big league game. 

Reflecting now, it seems like I was in Florida four weeks ago, not four days. He didn't pitch Friday night. I was so anxious the entire game. His role has switched from a starter to a reliever, so now I have to wait til the fifth or sixth inning before they call in relief.

Saturday had to be the day, and it was. I was eyeing the bullpen from the beginning. When we were losing significantly ( I can't remember the score we were down four runs or more) I knew he was going in. The coach pointed. He stood up, removed his jacket, and headed to the mound to warm up. My heart rate immediately went UP! I was nervous. I wanted to throw up. This was his shot and I wanted it to be perfect for him. I watched the majority of the inning through the lens trying to capture the moment to remember forever. My phone alerted me with continuous texts from friends and family. I couldn't hold the phone still enough to even respond.  

I won't get technical but he pitched 1.2 (awesome) innings, did not give up any runs,walks, hit any batters, and did not give up what we all thought was going to be a home run. 

It was 50s night at Tropicana park explaining the not so normal high pants for BD. I got to share the experience with his mom,dad, and sister/birthday girl Nicole. They were so proud of him. I was so proud of him. When we finally met up with him back at the hotel and he was nothing but smiles. 

Sunday we went early for batting practice. I left in the fourth inning to get a taxi, shuttle, and flight back home, which was also delayed.  I was super pumped to be back home with my man only ONE hour away. This would be the closest we have been together since we first met two seasons ago. Here is one of my favorite pictures of the trip. I love it because I never get smiles like this from my babe and it is pure happiness all over his cute little face! I just love him so much I think I'll marry him. 

We are so thankful for all the support, prayers, and love from friends and family. God has blessed us big time. He has answered prayers that have been prayed for years. He is faithful. Watching Brandon's dream becoming a reality has been exhausting-ly fun for me and for that I thank him for letting me tag along. Stay tuned there is more to come.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,

    Brandon has got the best person possible to carry with him thru this journey. You are a true blessing in his life. Jody and I have really enjoyed reading your blogs and have seen a picture of you and Brandon that is amazing. I must share with you that I like the fact you and he have put Jesus in the center of your lives. We do this same thing, and it leads to a undenying bond you will not believe. I am so proud for you two and have really enjoyed learning about who you are. I also find it interesting hearing and learning about your future husband. I had the pleasure to grow up with him but we all hit a age where we go our on ways. I know Brandon is one of a kind and you have definitley found a gem in him but he found the diamond in you.
