Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cha Cha Changes - Open Heart Window

In honor of reaching one hundred post and feeling super lousy, I got a makeover. Actually, kind.hearted did, and is no more. Poof. We had some great times together, but we needed something drastic. Drastic as in chop eight inches of hair off and die it the polar opposite color. Virtually I did this.

This morning when I woke up I had absolutely zero intentions of changing anything blog related. All I had was a plan for a blog post I wanted to write. So here I am editing and playing around with some stuff and something different jumps in and takes over my little typing fingers. It was exactly what I have been patiently waiting for. 

I've been wanting a different blog title. A title that really captures what I write about. Originally, kind.heARTed was going to be about the crafts and projects and arty stuff I make. Over time though, I have had fun writing about so much more than just my crafts. I have been thinking about this name change for many weeks. Today on my job assignment I realized something I really love that sparked some name changing. Job assignment = the fun little excursion I had to go on for a post I want to write. 

Changes sparked by old vintage white windows.

I think they are great. I love them in their normal function. I love them as a new piece of wall art. I. love. them. This little love fest I had over some old paint chipped windows gave me my new title idea: Open Heart Window. 

I write with an open heart and try to share that as much as possible. I write my opinions and feelings that stem from my heart window. And then it all meshed together in beautiful harmony to Open Heart Window. Now each day on my own blog I get the glorious eye candy I enjoy so much of chipped paint and glass. Simultaneously, I get to document the view from my own window. 


  1. Thanks for "following" my blog. I love yours! I, too, have a love for window panes. I'm dying to get one to put in the house. You can do so many creative things with them!! So glad to have found your blog. You've got a new "follower!"

  2. Aaaaand, if I read right, your Lauren and about to marry a Brandon?! That's my name and my husband's name! Small world! :) Married life is so great. We're going on one month here and I wouldn't trade it for the world! :)

  3. I think it's a great name. I have a thing for old windows too and have been looking at thrift stores and such for months to find one to hang in my house. Last week I mentioned this to my mother-in-law and she says "I have 2 out back do you want them?" Heck Yes.

    I am coming to you from FTLOB Comment Love. A day late. I know.

  4. Love Love Love! Did you purchase the old window? I have a green paintchipped window hanging in my roonp In it I have two beautiful pieces of scrapbook paper ... I guess you'd have to see it. I think you would like our house because Gary has a knack for creating amazing furniture and decorating our home. If I had to choose a word to describe out style it would be... impossible to do! lol. Keep writing Lauren. I love reading your blog!
