Friday, July 22, 2011

100th Post & Beyond

100 Posts already? No way! Thanks for being so dedicated and listening to my ramblings. It has been so fun to document recent happenings and parts of my life up until now. It is just getting good, I promise, and I will eventually get to the reasons why. 

I have an issue. It bascially goes like this. I have been focused on all the things I will be  losing as I get married and move instead of focusing and being excited on the brand new life I am gaining.

It is true. I'm half empty. I want to be half full. Actually, I want to be half full with a hole poked in the bottom of my cup so that I  can never get full. I always want to have my eyes ahead of me (us) on what great things are to come, not what great things have come and  are gone. Will I remember them? Yes, of coures! I want lots and lots of memories. But will I dwell on the fact that things won't always be the same? I hope and pray not. This will be a challenge. 

I told you I would get to the reasons why this blog is only just taking off. Here is just a brief overview of some things to come. Get excited, its gonna be, G-double O- D -GOOD!

Jobs: Brandon will continue persuing his career  in the BIGS and hopefully be joing me in STL again any day now. I will begin searching for a new place to call work in the upcoming months, but until then enjoy my days I have left as a Nanny. 

Wedding: Oh boy oh boy. Currently working with my bridesmaids to pick out their attire. Brandon has picked out his ring and I can't wait to share it with you all. It. is. AWESOME. I was unsure at first but am totally on board. I know his buds will give me major wife points, not that I care. As for the rest of the planning I am trying to shape up my vision and then go from there. It is going to be awesome and the next three and a half months somewhat insane but I am ready for it. I have been listening to some Hey Soul Sister (we I kinda love that song) in piano version to get wedding inspiration. Yeah, download it on iTunes. You won't regret it. Hmm songs to download, sounds like a good topic. Mooooving on to, oh ironic..moving!

Moving: It will be a job I know. I am already laughing at the moments he and I will have trying to get both of our junk organized and making it feel like our home instead of a bachelor pad. Hey Brandon did you know we will be getting a silverware divider, just saying. And then there may be some arguments, nothing to serious, over some camoflauge decor. It may also be fun to dabble in some DIY home-fixer-uping (technical I know), TOGETHER! 

Other Miscellaneous Happenings: Hunting trips as husband and wife, probably my first kill. Trial and error in the kitchen, his not mine. Living 20 minutes from town and why I'm not used to it. A possible furry additon to the family.  Ruff! And of course in a few years adding a human addition (or two)  to our family. Also to which I can already foresee a blog post about baby names. Sorry sweets, not Crawson and no Mason, and definitely not together. Did y'all catch that? No, it isn't funny and yes it has already briefly been discussed. 

So if this hasn't given you enough to be excited or slightly intrigued about then I'm sorry my life is boring to you.  Aside from all the fun and some seemingly scary adventures that I've just prompted you about, its pretty much going to be the best days of our life. I am thankful that he is going to be by my side, both laughing at and with me, and because he reads my blog. What a keeper!



  1. Hi Lauren! I'm visiting you from the link up at FTLOB. I read a little of your blog and your "About" page...congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding! What an exciting time for you with so many new adventures on the horizon. Enjoy this time to the all happens so fast, you wouldn't want to miss it!

    Love that your fiance reads your hubs reads mine, too! :)

  2. Visiting from comment love. It sounds like you have tons of exciting thing coming up. And you live in STL? Awesome! My family lives in South County, love it.

  3. cute pic of you and Brandon! So happy for you!
