Saturday, June 18, 2011


This post was written on Thursday but due to technical difficulties and a quick road trip I wasn't able to post until today.

I got in a fight with my hot glue gun. We had become best of friends and then she turns on me. Good thing we will be seeing a little less of each other after today.

Immediate following betrayal. Not too bad right?
Ten minutes later, I tried to forgive you...

and I will, even though I woke up to THIS. OUCH! The worst part was since it was hot glue I couldn't touch it or it would just burn my other hand. I just had to let it burn.

Its better than when I fell in the hot ashes twelve years ago catching my fall with both hands. The blisters then were inches long all over the palms of my hands. This just brought back those awful memories!

And after that nice little burn I quickly realized I should not try to do math at midnight. I could not get this lined up how I wanted. URG! This wrinkle was smoothed out thanks to my momma and all is well today.

I'm behind on the formal update of the Chocolate Ball because my mom, dad and I made a quick road trip to Memphis to watch Brandon throw a GEM! Check out this article. We left around two yesterday and returned tonight around six. Told you it was quick. It was great to see him!! Twenty weeks until our big day! 

Ohhh yeah and I have something else GREAT (actually a few different things) to share with you this week. One is yummy, perfect for summer, and colorful. Can you guess what it is? Check back to see. 

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