Sunday, June 19, 2011

DIO Edible Arrangment

Prepare your taste buds y'all cause your mouth will be watering by the time you finish reading. On our road trip the other day my dad pointed out an Edible Arrangement store location and asked if my mom or I had ever had one. We hadn't. I told them we should pick one up for Father's Day since my grandparents (Dad's side) were coming out for dinner. On our way back we stopped by, but the store was already closed.  Whaa waa. After picking up a brochure and seeing how pricey these yummy sensations were we decided to DIO (do it ourselves). We made a quick trip into Sams Club to pick our favorite fruits for what becomes our own masterpiece.

 Our base was a hollowed out watermelon basket with a head of lettuce. You can probably just use half a watermelon instead of hollowing the whole thing. You learn as you go, we know for next time and will make adjustments. But then we just mixed and match fruits and filled the thing up using kabob skewers. It is that easy!! We used strawberries, watermelon, grapes, pineapple, cantaloupe, and bananas. We used a star cookie cutter for the fun watermelon shapes. I decided to indulge just a bit and dip some strawberries in chocolate. Alright alright, I dipped some bananas too but they did not last long enough to make the arrangement. Oops. Yum. Ya. YUM YUM! All the fruit we used was so fresh and juicy. Of course I snacked and prepared at the same time. Isn't that why the cook never eats a lot? 

If you have any summer parties or picnics coming up, here is your dish. I'm telling you this will be a HIT and for waaaaay less than the name brand arrangements.  It is a healthy snack too and kids can even help prepare. Oh yeah did I forget to tell you that it was DELICIOUS!! Well let me just say one more time it was AMAZINGLY good. 

What are some of your favorite summer treats?

1 comment:

  1. I've often thought about doing this very thing! Love how yours turned out!
