Monday, April 25, 2011


 Spending time with my wonderful family was the perfect way to celebrate Easter. My sister hosted her first holiday at her home in Kansas City. It was wonderful. She should do it again soon. Good food. Good laughs. Good memories. Here is a little peak. Cupcakes and dyed easter eggs are two things my family will never go without on this holiday. 

The Easter bunny made a quick appearance in the neighbor's yard, and I mean quick. Look at that blur. 

From left to right: Jake, Dad, Mom, Me. Chowing down scrumptious food. 

The other table was in the dining room. I probably did not get up to snap their picture because we had prime time entertainment as Brandon took the mound at 1:35 pm. We hooked up the computer to the TV and his game played throughout our meal and that afternoon. He got his first overdue win of the season and threw a great game. It was nice cause I felt like I got to be with him a tiny bit for Easter. 

Although I did not make it to a Sunday church service, I feel of all the Easters I have celebrated, this year I really understood what was being celebrated! 

Living He loved me, dying He saved me and buried He carried my sins far away. Rising He justified, freely forever, one day He's coming, oh glorious day! 
Casting Crowns - 'Glorious Day'

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Can Do This

I love reading and finding blogs. It is like a hunt for a good bargain. Instead it is a hunt for a blog that I just get lost looking though older posts and finding all kinds of creative inspiration and in the mean time wasting countless minutes hours reading and researching. I guess this makes me a blog hunter. I am learning all sorts of tips and tricks about linky parties and giveaways. Did you know there were conferences for creative bloggers? Oh.My.Goodness. I would be in hog heaven at one of those. Hmm...maybe in the future. A girl can dream, and trust me I am, BIG. It is so great at the same time because I hopefully will be able to use some of this information for my upcoming wedding. Don't worry, I have NOT forgotten about that. It is only a little over six months away. Eeeek!

So I find an idea and see if I can create something similar or with a twist of my own. I know I should stick with the LuxeBlossoms and really crank them out, maybe find a craft show and market them like crazy (hello I do have a Marketing degree). And I plan too its a sloooow process so bare with me. Anyways, on to one of my latest finds I found and said, "I can do this."

I found this weeks project from one of my favorite blogs Tatertots and Jello by Nina.

Here are two of my versions of this great handmade adorable necklace. I am going to try it with the clear gems as soon as I can get to the store but for now, this is what I have stock piled (craft hoarder in denial) from a different friend of our family that I inherited for FREE. It kills me that hardly any of them can work for this necklace.

Now add this with an $2.50 plain tank from Forever 21 and you look fab for any occasion.

Did you notice how my version has a nice spring LuxeBlossom? I couldn't resist! Oh-la-la these are so fun and fresh for spring. Now excuse me while I go and raid my mom's fabric collection for some of those Blossoms I keep talking about. Okay fine, I'll ask first! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Menu: Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry

Alrighty folks, here is an easy peasy recipe and one of my favs.  

Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry 

Chicken Tenderloins
Sugar Snap Peas
Red Bell Pepper
Minute Rice 
Teriyaki Sauce
Olive Oil
& any other veggies you prefer.

I didn't list amounts because its really up to you. If you like lots-o-veggies then use more. If you would rather more meat then go for it. Its YOUR dinner. 

First I heated up some Olive Oil in a pan. I drizzled enough to cover most but not entire bottom. Then I added the chicken tenderloins that have been brushed with teriyaki sauce. Cook until done. 

Then I use the same pan (no sense in dirtying two) drizzle with oil again and toss in veggies. Cook for a bit. Then add about a fourth cup of teriyaki sauce or more if you like. 
Cook a bit more. 

Simple right. You still with me?  We're almost finished.
 When veggies are almost done cooking (soft) start the rice. It should only take five minutes after you get the water boiling so plan accordingly. Then dump the chicken back in with the veggies to get them warm again while rice is finishing up.

 Serve over rice.

Your done. Told you it was simple and oh so tasty! Eat up.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stamp Cramp

Hi y'all. It has been a wonderful weekend for me, and hopefully you as well.  This weekend I acquired some new creative inspiration. Okay maybe not just some, a TON actually.  A friend of my moms had a moving sale and she had two boxes of rubber stamps and other craft supplies she was selling. The whole kit & caboodle sold for $150.  Now if you are into stamping which I am pretty positive none of my readers are (yet), then you know this is a great deal. Stamps run on average five - 10 dollars per stamp. I haven't counted them yet but looky what I got!! 

I think I may get some stamp cramps. Check out this next stamp. Awesome. Plus I think its good to toot your own horn a little every now and again. Maybe I will just frame this and prop it up where I see it everyday as a little encouragement for myself. 

Well anyways, 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don't Be A Chicken

Or a rooster. Here is a fun project I worked on yesterday and today. I bought that cute rooster for two dollars at Goodwill. Yep, just two buckaroos.

 I transformed that into this little gem. I know it isn't real big and doesn't hold a ton of earrings, but it can hold a few of my favorites! 

Isn't it wonderful what just a little spray paint can do. 

Still chasing my dream one little project at a time.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Frappuccino Love

Hello followers! I would like to formally apologize for my last post. It only proved two things for me. The first was prove to me that I needed to get crafting on something, anything. The second was it made me go a day with chipped polish just to prove to myself I wasn't a lunatic.  

Here is the good stuff, the Frappuccino love. I love them. Go to morning drink over hot coffee. While I kept thinking each time I drank one, 'these little bottles are so adorable. I wish I could make something from them.' Well I made my wish come true and also feel a little bit better paying the price I do for something I can get double gratification from. 

I probably broke some crazy rule out there in the crafting world. I used two different brands of paint. Mainly because I could only find Frosted spray paint in one brand. Quick tidbit in case you are brave enough and want to create something from nothing and add a little spring touch to your home. If you don't want to use paint specifically for glass, you can first spray with Frosting. You can find the Frosting at Lowes and a small selection of paint color at Michaels. The frost acts as a base coat and then allows you to use any kind of paint on your glass. I chose Kyrlon in Hyacinth a pretty purple. I love this color. I did this with some clear soda bottles and they look great frosted without any color. Forgot the pictures of course. I have a feeling I will be spray painting lots of bottles in the future. Can you say wedding center pieces? Here is the finished product. I found this cute little crate at Michaels for 3.50 on clearance. Cheap, easy project. 

I'm going to look for artificial flowers this week sometime for just a smidge more awesomeness. I was just so excited I could not wait any longer to blog about something with substance. Phew I feel much better.


There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.