Sunday, April 3, 2011

Frappuccino Love

Hello followers! I would like to formally apologize for my last post. It only proved two things for me. The first was prove to me that I needed to get crafting on something, anything. The second was it made me go a day with chipped polish just to prove to myself I wasn't a lunatic.  

Here is the good stuff, the Frappuccino love. I love them. Go to morning drink over hot coffee. While I kept thinking each time I drank one, 'these little bottles are so adorable. I wish I could make something from them.' Well I made my wish come true and also feel a little bit better paying the price I do for something I can get double gratification from. 

I probably broke some crazy rule out there in the crafting world. I used two different brands of paint. Mainly because I could only find Frosted spray paint in one brand. Quick tidbit in case you are brave enough and want to create something from nothing and add a little spring touch to your home. If you don't want to use paint specifically for glass, you can first spray with Frosting. You can find the Frosting at Lowes and a small selection of paint color at Michaels. The frost acts as a base coat and then allows you to use any kind of paint on your glass. I chose Kyrlon in Hyacinth a pretty purple. I love this color. I did this with some clear soda bottles and they look great frosted without any color. Forgot the pictures of course. I have a feeling I will be spray painting lots of bottles in the future. Can you say wedding center pieces? Here is the finished product. I found this cute little crate at Michaels for 3.50 on clearance. Cheap, easy project. 

I'm going to look for artificial flowers this week sometime for just a smidge more awesomeness. I was just so excited I could not wait any longer to blog about something with substance. Phew I feel much better.


There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.

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