Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Can Do This

I love reading and finding blogs. It is like a hunt for a good bargain. Instead it is a hunt for a blog that I just get lost looking though older posts and finding all kinds of creative inspiration and in the mean time wasting countless minutes hours reading and researching. I guess this makes me a blog hunter. I am learning all sorts of tips and tricks about linky parties and giveaways. Did you know there were conferences for creative bloggers? Oh.My.Goodness. I would be in hog heaven at one of those. Hmm...maybe in the future. A girl can dream, and trust me I am, BIG. It is so great at the same time because I hopefully will be able to use some of this information for my upcoming wedding. Don't worry, I have NOT forgotten about that. It is only a little over six months away. Eeeek!

So I find an idea and see if I can create something similar or with a twist of my own. I know I should stick with the LuxeBlossoms and really crank them out, maybe find a craft show and market them like crazy (hello I do have a Marketing degree). And I plan too its a sloooow process so bare with me. Anyways, on to one of my latest finds I found and said, "I can do this."

I found this weeks project from one of my favorite blogs Tatertots and Jello by Nina.

Here are two of my versions of this great handmade adorable necklace. I am going to try it with the clear gems as soon as I can get to the store but for now, this is what I have stock piled (craft hoarder in denial) from a different friend of our family that I inherited for FREE. It kills me that hardly any of them can work for this necklace.

Now add this with an $2.50 plain tank from Forever 21 and you look fab for any occasion.

Did you notice how my version has a nice spring LuxeBlossom? I couldn't resist! Oh-la-la these are so fun and fresh for spring. Now excuse me while I go and raid my mom's fabric collection for some of those Blossoms I keep talking about. Okay fine, I'll ask first! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I am so jealous! And the creative blogger thing sounds AWESOME!
