Monday, January 17, 2011


This is it. Round 2 is how I like to think of it. What is that they are always saying? "If at first you don't succeed, try try again." This is me trying again. 

LuxeBlossomDesign is my second online shop at Etsy. The first time I attempted this online store concept I was in a completely different place. Now that I have deliberately turned down a full time paying job I feel motivated to make this work. Let me say that again in case you did not catch that...turned down a full time paying job! No I am not totally out of my mind. I know God is leading me and this is what he has planned. I haven't been working since the end of October. I have been blessed that in the months since then I have had a free place to live,eat, and sleep. I have also made a little spending money helping with some chores and of course my amazing parents have helped out quite a bit too. It has been many things and yes stressful is one of them. The downside is for the next four weeks I am still unemployed and therefore unpaid. The upside is in mid February I am reclaiming my title as The Nanny and working on getting my online store up and running. Am I excited? YES. That is an understatement! Do you remember those cute little is a refresher.


Yep I knew you would remember, they are unforgettable. Until then I will diligently be working on my online shop. I will be selling accessories that look like this:

Photography by Brandon Dickson

I LOVE THEM! I'm hoping I get the same reaction from shoppers on Etsy. Here are a few shots of my collection so far and it is growing quickly so I don't even have them all documented. 

They look excellent in your hair.

Or even pin them to your jacket.

Look at all the colors!

The small luxeblossom is about 2.25" and the large luxeblossom is 2.75". They attach with either a safety pin or simple hair barrette. They clip nicely to a metal headband or even the stretchy kind (not sure the technical name).  I love them because they are so versatile, bright, and add just a little bit of fun no matter what you decide to wear. I can't WAIT to see what they look like on a precious little girl. 

Unfortunately my camera has been taking pictures in the largest size possible so I will be having another photo shoot tomorrow. Then I can actually list my items in the store. Good idea don't you think?

I am excited to see what you think. I hope you enjoy them and my new blog design it has been neglected and under construction. I have been trying to learn and get more involved with blog design but it is on the back burner for now.


1 Timothy 6:6-7
"But Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it."


  1. Love the blossoms! I want one...for myself! Let me know when your etsy store is set up! I'm not an online orderer, but I think the blossom will be worth it :D

  2. Take a look at the store online, let me know what you would like and we can arrange a non online order!
