Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I have spent the day making hair accessories.  I don't normally wear them, but I think I may start. At least the age appropriate ones. Maybe this will jump start my Etsy. What do you think?

I have had lots of time on my hands and a good possibility of more.  Just when you think you have it all figured out, God changes his plans. Oh well...thats what we are here for. I am excited to see where He will lead me.



  1. LOVE the bows! How do they clip in? I have a 6-month old niece with tons of hair who would look so cute in them, but they tend to fall out a lot and I'm not sure she has enough hair for the bigger ones. hmm.

  2. They are on metal clips. I am looking for small ones for babies but haven't made it to the store yet.
