Thursday, August 12, 2010

Enjoy Today

Warning: You may want to have some form of chocolaty goodness next to you as you read the following post. I am not responsible for any cravings that this may produce.

As promised, here are the sweet treats! The church I currently attend is having a rummage and bake sale tomorrow. I instantly knew I wanted to contribute in some way. Especially since my attendance at church has been so poor this summer due to all the traveling. They were still in need of donations for the bake sale and I love to bake.  However my concoctions did not require the oven.  In the 100 degree heat Missouri has been having, that would have just made it worse.  I decided on a few items: Homemade Turtles and Chocolate Covered Pretzel Rods.

Real simple if you need a quick treat.
 One pretzel + one rolo + one pecan = Turtle

Normally, I would use the oven to melt the Rolo slightly so they can be sandwiched between the pretzel and pecan.  I decided to conserve electricity and use...the metal roof of my car and the hot hot sun.

Chocolate Covered Pretzel Rods
Delicious. I did long and short pretzel rods and then some small ones with sprinkles. I spent approximately 4 hours dippin pretzels. While I did this, my mom made a huge, HUGE pan of Lasagna. It too was delicious.

Finally it was time to wrap it up with a nice little tag.
Super simple but adds that little extra something.

Enjoy Today refers to two things.
First being the obvious.. Enjoy Today. Period.

"This is the day the Lord has made;
 let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

The second are the instructions for the goodies. Enjoy Today!


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