Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cupcakes and Cars

It is always sad when you don't live near great friends. Although it does make the times together that much better. Unfortunately it was only five great minutes.  I got to stop by her house on my way through town, see her new deck, and new paint colors in her house, which look AWESOME, and be on my merry way.  It was great to hand deliever her card and a little goody bag of Turtles and Pretzels.

Name: Stefany Renner
Nic Name: RENNER (used for less confusion below)
Date: August 13,1986
Relation: Ex coworker/Friend/Old Neighbor
Occasion: 24th Birthday

On to the cars...Renner and I have a mutual friend, Stephanie, who we used to work with when I lived in Columbia, MO.  Her and her husband had been trying to have a baby for quite some time.  As we worked with Stephanie, we could see how hard this was on her and how much she wanted a little blessing in her life. 

After many visits to the doctor, she finally thought her baby was on the way. 
I specifically remember working with her that day and how anxious she was waiting for that phone call from the doctor to confirm she was pregnant! When the call finally arrived, I was with her. So exciting. I stayed with her as she called her husband, Aaron, to share the good news. What an unbelievable thing I got to witness. The hapiness in both their voices was indescribable. It was so great watching her go through her pregnancy even though I was out of the country and missed the whole last month.  Renner and I were at the hospital when Gabriel was born and I saw him less than an hour old. This was great for two reasons. I got to spend Renner's birthday with her in the waiting room and little Gabriel was being born!!!

So here we are two years later, and their little angel is 2 years old. I hate that I can't make it to his birthday party. I try to visit as often as I can, which isn't enough.

and just for fun...I  know his momma is proud!

Happy birthday Renner and Gabriel!



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