Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One or the Other

Ten days ago, I declared my training schedule and how it would be cutting back my craft time quite a bit.  In April of 2009 I crossed the finish line of the 13.1 mile race. It pretty much tore up my ITBand and my running abruptly ceased for months after.  Several times I tried to resume running  but always with much pain in my knee. As you can see where this is going..my injury even 15 months later gives me trouble. I have been bummed lately because I use my running time to clear my head! I decided to rest it, I have time to train properly and if I would have continued to run on it after the first sign of pain, I probably wouldn't still have a shot.  I have learned to run smarter this time around.    

In the mean time, I decided since I had time off from one, I may as well do the other. Not such a terrible situation because my work station has been neglected for several weeks.  I started this project weeks ago. They are my Quilt Block cards. They are one inch squares, sewn together to make mini quilt blocks.  My mom gave me the boost of motivation to do something because she is going to give them to one of her great friends for her birthday. She loves to quilt so these nice empty note cards are fitting for her. 

Horizontal or Vertical

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; 
may the name of the Lord be praised. Job 1:21

Hoping to be back on (the) track soon.


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