Sunday, June 27, 2010


Well, I decided to make some major changes. I'm sorry if your eyes are still adjusting. These are my new favorite colors. They will grow on you. I have been off the radar. Busy. Busy. Busy.  As far as my designing and creating it has been minimal. I received a phone call a few weeks ago from the ladies in the booth next to mine at the Chocolate Ball. They are from a local salon and decided they wanted to make a display on one of their empty walls with my dresses. There are 12 total stylist, eleven females and one male. They all picked a dress similar to their personalities and interests. I didn't get very great photos but I am so pleased with how they turned out. I am hoping that many of their customers will be curious as to where they can get some. ME ME ME! Order number three. Check!

As you can see (barely) that there is a little man shirt! It was so cute. Cute? Handsome. My dad received a Father's Day card with a similar shirt on the front. I was in such a rush making a card for Dad and Grandpa that I didn't take pics although I probably could. On the note of making cards for special people in my family...I failed miserably when it came to my sister's birthday. I'm SORRY! I still owe her but I figured she was probably getting lots of cards and I didn't want to make them all look bad with my awesome handmade card. Did I mention...she now works for Hallmark! Can you believe it?? I'm really happy for her. Honest!! I'm secretly hoping she submits my ideas.. hey I can dream right? 

Since I didn't send her anything.. I delivered my services this weekend. We did some house projects! I would like to be able to say I was a huge help, but I wasn't. I painted the kitchen. When you see the pictures don't laugh when you see how much I actually painted. It did get two coats though. A few weeks ago her basement flooded so they ripped carpet up, and we decided to paint while we were sprucing up the house. Her hubby was out of town and the AC went out while we were there.Her poor dog was going nuts, but he is a great dog and trooper. It was a really fun weekend. I would go and do it all again in a heartbeat. Although today I was a slacker, slept in, and then took a nap. I needed my rest its been a crazy few weeks.



It looks so wonderful! I was excited I could help. My mom definitely showed me up though she painted the bathroom, basement, and ripped up carpet. At least I got to do something semi crafty and of course enjoyed family time!

One final note. I do not know how well I am going to be at blogging about my designs over the next few months.  I recently decided to start training for my second half marathon that is on October 3, 98 days from now.  My evenings are now dedicated to running more so than crafting. It is taking me a while to adjust but I am hoping I can get a regular schedule so that I don't sacrifice one for the other.  Due to the heat lately, my runs need to be the cooler parts of the day early in the a.m. or the late evening.  I am not a morning person, however, I am gonna try and give it a whirl in the upcoming months.

Now we are up-to-date.


p.s. My new template design colors are inspired from my sisters awesome brown couch and  colorful pillows that I was a potato on this weekend :) Pretty!

1 comment:

  1. i love you, and I don't need a birthday card, you send me cute cards at random times. those are more fun. such a good post!
