Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Week Alone

It's quiet here. Almost too quiet. Yesterday I took my sister to the airport and its nearing 24 hours and she isn't home yet. Her flight from Osaka was delayed by about three hours just allowing her to miss the plane crash at SFO where she was to catch her connecting flight. It's scary and I am so thankful that she is safe and hope that she can make it home soon!
We had a super busy but awesome visit from the time I picked her up until the time I dropped her off. She got to experience Japan as Brandon and I do and I'm letting her do a recap of her time here so that I can finally catch up on my parents visit from May.
If it wasn't bad enough sending her home, Brandon just walked out the door for a week. It is bittersweet. He is finally recovered from his injury 100% and is scheduled to pitch for the big league team on the tenth. How I have LOVED our afternoons and evenings together and it will take a few days for me to adjust to being here by myself after about two months of having him here.
Which will probably leave me missing him and my new best dog friend Henry. Karla and I went on a little trip to Tokyo to visit our friends living on the Yakota Air Force Base and I soaked up some dog loving time with this little dachshund. He was so pathetic waiting by my bags before we left. I think it's safe to say he liked me a little.
So for the time being, I will keep growing this little baby of ours that received two packages this week. My friend Rachel, which finally had her baby boy on the 5th (Happy Birthday Max and to my bff Liz) sent us some baby goodies and a some reading material for me. Then my mom shipped us a box with stuff we needed, toothpaste/deodorant/lemonade packets, etc., and then this CUTE bear and onesie that she made for us. I can't believe how small a newborn onesie is, but I love it. Trying not to get anxious because we still have six months to go.
While Karla was here she couldn't resist pictures of my tiny bump I've been sporting - already rocking her Aunt duties.  After being on our feet all day and large meals that baby really likes to pop out, which makes me wonder if we are going to have a big baby on our hands come January.

With all of that said, I am left with a full heart to take on this week alone and catch up on some Facetime!