Saturday, May 4, 2013


We spent our off day Wednesday visiting the beautiful little city of Nara and doing a little early birthday celebrating. Today is my 26th birthday, well in Japan it's already here. I'm taking this opportunity to celebrate for a full 48 hours because I don't know if this will ever happen again.

Anyways before I head off to find something to do, I'm thinking that footbath was super nice, I wanted to share a little of our day with you.

It was a little over an hour by train to get to Nara. It was a nice day out but we could see the chance of rain in the clouds. Luckily for us we only had one little sprinkle and then the sun came back out. We didn't pack our rain gear so that was lucky.

Nara is famous for the wild deer. For 150 Yen, about $1.50, you can buy some wafers to feed them. They will come up to you and follow you once they know you have food. They are all over the park, on the way up to the shrines and around the temples. It is hard to resist just feeding them once so we made sure to do it a few times. The deer will bow to you when they know you will feed them but they also might bite, but it doesn't hurt too bad. Ask Brandon he got bit three times. They must know he is a hunter. One crazy deer decided to lift up my dress from behind but thankfully I was covered. I couldn't stop laughing. I put together this short video to help eliminate a post with eight billion pictures. It was awesome I don't know how else to describe it.

Here are some of the other gorgeous sights of Nara.


After sightseeing we went to Hard Rock for birthday dinner and did a little birthday shopping. I didn't mind celebrating a little early because Brandon is out of town until Monday night. I'll be doing dinner or something easy going with the some friends later on today! Hope you all have a great weekend.

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