Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Oji Zoo

On Monday, Brandon had a short practice from about ten until one. He messaged me on his way back from practice and said start getting ready, all you need is your camera and tennis shoes.  I had no idea where we were going except maybe somewhere to view cherry blossoms. We had talked about it over the weekend that it was something I had wanted to do.
So we hop on the train, discovered more of the Sannomiya train station than I care for, boarded a subway, took a short walk, and arrived at the Oji Kobe Zoo. I was a bit hesitant because I had read a few negative reviews on Trip Advisor but I had also heard this is a great spot for cherry blossom viewing. We had such a fun time walking around together even when both HUGE elephants decided to use the bathroom right in front of us. Gross. Sorry I'm blogging about elephant poop but I've never seen anything like it. Anyways, my favorite animals were the red panda and the giraffe. The Panda was pretty cool too but he just posted up against his tire and ate some bamboo. Originally we were going to wait until dark and catch the cherry blossoms that were lit up at night but the zoo closed about two hours before dark and we were hungry. We hiked a ways for Japanese fast food, Sukiya, beef and rice bowls. It was worth the walk. After a long day and lots of walking we called it quits and headed home. Here are some of my favorite pictures at the zoo.


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