Saturday, April 20, 2013

Game Day

I'm officially a week behind on updates but will attempt to get better.
Last Sunday our day started with an email from our tax preparer asking where some time sensitive documents were. Turns out it was no big deal but put us into a frenzy until we figured out later that afternoon that everything was okay.
Trying to figure the tax situation out, I missed my train by a few minutes. This was a whole new route for me that included transferring to the subway. I knew that I could do it but I felt extra pressure trying to get there on time.
I have been setting up the computer weekly for those to enjoy the game back home. I try to leave as late as I can but early enough to make it to the game. The last time my hangout cut off because of inactivity and so I try to get the viewers as much of the broadcast as I can. Until last week when I left the TV on the wrong game.
I'm going to go ahead and say that sometimes game days are more stressful for me than Brandon.
The stadium they play at is really nice, fresh grass, and outdoor. It was a little chillier than I prefer but I wasn't complaining, until after the game when I had NO clue where to find Brandon and was without a special pass that I've been given the few times at the dome. I bought a cup of coffee that was awful but served as an excellent hand warmer.
The game itself was not bad. They ended up losing 7-6. Brandon got the no decision and pitched five and two thirds innings giving up three runs. The wind was going crazy which wasn't good at this hitters park. And it didn't just blow, but it blew in every direction.
I'll be honest I was glad to get home Sunday evening and sit on the couch. Little did we know the crazy events that would unfold the rest of this week back home between the Boston Bombings and the West, Texas explosion. It is so strange waking up to news like this and no less heartbreaking thousands of miles away.
Wishing everyone back home a relaxing weekend free of violence, animosity, and fear.



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