Monday, March 4, 2013

Day One in Japan

Word to the wise, which I am not, do not stay awake for 24 hours before you will be traveling for over 22. Smooth move Lauren. The 11 hour flight was going pretty quickly for the most part and then it wasn't. My knees were the most uncomfortable and I never could fall into a sleep that lasted longer than a half hour. I'm positive I watched close to every minute, starting at the four hour mark, slowly tick away on the time until destination clock.

We landed on time. Another word to the wise (still not me) don't get separated from a group in a foreign airport. I stopped at the first restroom I found to brush my teeth, hair, and change into fresh clothes. When I came out of there was no one in sight. I followed my instincts and found an empty train that looked to be heading to arrivals.

It would make for a much better story if I had gotten lost but I didn't. Sorry for you, but not for me. I claimed my residence card, luggage, and exited through customs. I had a ride arranged and as soon as I walked through the doors to meet that ride I was completely overwhelmed. I am positive the look of sheer panic was smothered all over my face. I guess I was expecting the worst that I wouldn't have a ride or any way to communicate to Brandon or anyone for that matter. There was lots of people waiting. I think it was all parents for a large group on my flight. Thankfully my ride spotted me first and we took a cab to the apartment. I looked out our window and this was my view of the sun setting. I don't hate it.

Brandon was on the road for some games and was supposed to be busing back late that night. Instead he got to fly back early! I was at the apartment for a little over an hour before he showed up around 7:30pm. I actually had the door locked from inside. I dozed off and woke up to him knocking. By eight I was passed out on the couch even though I knew I needed to stay up to help get over the jet lag or just visit with my husband for that matter. At 9 I took a sleeping pill so that I wouldn't wake up after a three hour nap.

I woke up around 5:20 then fell back asleep until 7 ish. We had bagels and Nutella for breakfast, talked, and caught up on the last six weeks of our life without one another.

We spent the afternoon exploring our island and all the fun places and stores that are so close. The dollar store seems to have anything we may need along with a few food markets, coffee shops, etc. It's pretty chili here still about 40 degrees so I'm looking forward to warmer weather to just be outside. We had lunch at a little Italian place. We had Doria and gratin something totally new to me. Rice and butter based dish with pasta sauce  and cheese on top. Interesting to me and pretty good. Brandon has already requested I learn how to make it. Brandon has already picked up on so many things and can communicate more than I had expected, he seems like a natural and I'm secretly jealous (annoyed) when he walks around the apartment talking Japanese. I feel SO lost. Why didn't I buy Rosetta Stone again?

After lunch we decided to take the train to the Osaka dome. Tomorrow Brandon pitches and I'm going to go to the game. He has to leave early in the morning though so I will be on my own. It was confusing at first but by the time we got back to the island I had a decent feel for it. I hope tomorrow will go as easy as today did. I have a map and my train times so it should go well.


Once we got back to the island we went to the grocery store that is in the lower part of our building. We didn't get much but enough to have a few things in the apartment. We picked up some hamburger patties, chicken tenderloins, sushi, and some other breakfast and snack items. Some of the items on the shelf had a tag that said what the item was in English but most of the stuff didn't. I never really dreaded grocery shopping before but this might do me in. Maybe but probably not, I found a tiny little market in our building that carries several things I'm familiar with and there is also the foreign buyers market that we didn't go to that has limited things as well.


And that my friends and family is day one in the books. Initial thoughts so far... overwhelmed. I know that it's going to get easier and I'll adjust eventually. If you know me then you know that I'm a picky eater and not that open minded so I see that as being my biggest struggle. But it's time to grow up and open that mind so I'm going to do my best a little bit at a time.

Tomorrow I'll have some baseball for you all! Go Buffs! Buffaloes.. not sure what they say yet but I probably won't understand it anyways. =)

1 comment:

  1. Wow girl!! What an amazing adventure the Lord has you on! So glad you're sharing here so I can follow along.
