Friday, January 25, 2013

Media and Groceries

Kon ni chi wa!
Brandon is settling in his new city but not for long. When he wakes up in about four hours it will be Saturday and they are leaving for spring training. They will train somewhere on the island of Okinawa. Thursday they had to do some media interviews. I forgot to mention his first encounter with the media when he arrived at the airport. Yes they were there waiting for him. He was greeted with cameras and questions. Nothing like a warm welcome. Anyways the website has more photos from the day. These are two of the other American players on the team. The website is if you'd like to see more photos and read the interviews. It's a little bit tricky once translated but I think you can get the idea of what they are trying to say. I know it isn't Cardinal red but so far I'm loving the dark navy and gold. 

He also did a little grocery shopping. He only got what he knew how to fix because he can't read the Japanese directions. The loaf of bread has five slices and he said it's thick like Texas toast. Last night, Friday night for him, they went to a sports bar and had some pizzas. His only complaint about the food so far is that the portions are small. He had Subway his first day there and told me they only gave him half of a sandwich. From now on he will order two. His stories always make me laugh. Not because they are that funny, but just because he is learning to adjust to something completely new and it's fun for me.


  1. Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine!!! I love hearing these stories :)

    When do you join him?!

  2. I'm the dummy who didn't even think about the fact that you won't be able to read what's in the food you're buying...kind of fun and scary all at the same time, huh?

  3. I probably wouldn't last. lol

    Hope he likes it there and has a great season!! :0)

  4. I love your blog Lauren! I'm excited to follow your journey in Japan. Our best to Brandon for the season and to you guys in your new experience! -Bridget
