Thursday, October 25, 2012

Nothing Important

Ugh, today I'm a bit under the weather. Right before bed I got sick and today I decided I just need to relax on the couch until I feel better. Of course I have several things I want to be doing like sewing, helping paint our new shed, or getting ready for our fall festival at church, but I just don't feel up to it. Yesterday we had chicken noodle soup for dinner and I joked that if I ever get sick they have to make it for me. Way to jinx yourself Lauren, today I'm having soup again.

Brandon says I could pull off Tina Fey. What do you think?  I've been told before that I sound exactly like Sarah Palin. I guess if I cut some bangs and put in a french twist my Halloween costume is finished. I think maybe that would have been a better costume for 2008. Missed the boat on that one.

My dog, oh my dog. I think he needs to post here again soon. It's been awhile and I know he loves it. For now he is loving his new clothes and toy box. 

The other night I wanted to learn to play chess. I've played before but it's been a long time. Brandon gave me a quick refresher lesson and whooped my tail. I hope we can make this a regular thing. The chess playing, not the tail whooping.

Finally, I've been trying to keep our house a little more organized than usual. I got out some decorations the other night and tried to homey it up. I am kinda loving it and hopefully we can get our spare room cleaned and organized and into the storage shed before it's time to decorate for Christmas. 

That's all I've got. Time for some more soup and a nap to get back up to par. I'm beyond excited to be traveling to Missouri TUESDAY to see all my favorite people and celebrate one of my dear friends getting married. Seriously so excited to see my family and friends. 



  1. you do look like tina fey - PS today we were supposed to post about our card swap. i'm pretty sure we both dropped that ball completely. lol. happy card swap day!

  2. Your pup is so cute in the toy box! I hope you get feeling better!

  3. Your dog is adorable! Hope you feel better soon!
