Tuesday, October 16, 2012

From Where I Stand

From where I stand..I do NOT consider myself stylish or fashionable. I wear what's comfy to me. The only time I put on clothes that aren't my favorite yoga pants is to go to church on Sundays. Even during the week when I run to the grocery store or to run errands it usually goes as far as jeans and a t-shirt. 

I spend way to much time on Pinterest swooning over all the amazing outfits wanting to go shopping all the time to get new clothes. Clothes that I don't need to buy and money I don't have to spend. I have a closet with plenty of clothes, although yes some of it is outdated but it's full and if I try a littler harder I can piece together some outfits.

I've said before that I'd rather spend money on fabric than go shopping. So the other day as I was sewing I decided to try my hand at making another skirt. A skirt that wasn't a ten minute maxi or out of jersey knit. So I began with no pattern but an idea in mind. It didn't end well at almost two in the morning. I had worked so hard and then sewing on the waistband went all wrong at the very end. I threw it aside adding it to my projects-that-didn't-work stack and went to bed.

A few days later, I pulled it back out and got the seam ripper. After 20 minutes of ripping out stitches I re-assembled my skirt into something I can wear. Then I dug through my closet to find a top or two to pair with my new skirt and wa-lah, a new outfit was born.

I wore my new skirt Sunday and during Sunday school I had a conversation with another women about things. Literally things, like clothes, houses, cars, money, etc. Then she said something that I probably won't forget .
"It doesn't matter if you wear Armani or thrift store finds, your spirit will show through no matter what." 

She said exactly what I needed to hear. Things of this earth can be taken and destroyed but my spirit, my feelings, my actions, my words, and how I make others feel are what people will remember.


Matthew 6:19-21
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Linking up here and here.


  1. So so true. Thanks for the reminder! It can be so hard to not get carried away with looking fashionable and wanting all the latest clothes. I think you dress super cute, love this outfit, especially the shoes!

    Thanks so much for linking up. :)

  2. this is such a good reminder! and i love your skirt :)
    thanks for sharing lauren :)


  3. Ok. So before I go any further, when I first opened your blog page, all I could see was the top "From Where I Stand" and the pictures. I was thinking, 'what an adorable outfit!' and 'What a cute pup!' oh, and 'love the shoes.' Then, I scrolled down and read what the post was about. You have the ability to draw people in with your words and say things that really matter. I love that. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love your skirt, and your cute little dog! :D

  5. Good for you to come back to your project when you were feeling defeated! You did an awesome job and it looks great. I also loved the verse you shared too :) Appreciate bloggers who have awesome words to say :) Found you via the Pleated Poppy linkup!
    Nikki at www.bedazzlesafterdark.com

  6. Love your outfit, but more importantly love the message of this post :) Looking forward to following your blog!


  7. Wow, that is a good slap-in-the-face, come-back-to-reality type reminder. It's so true. No matter what we choose to wear, our personality will shine through. Thanks for sharing this Lauren....I too, get caught up in the hoop-la that's pinterest and all it's amazing outfits!!

