Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Last 12

A recap of the last 12 days... 

I left Memphis on the 18th planning to return on the 26th after our we had our Ladies' Day Out booth (separate post) on the 25th. Then I was going to stay there for the remainder of the season in hopes that we would be called up in September.

Instead, on the 23rd he called and told me he was getting called up. We were ecstatic. I had been praying for something to happen for us. We just felt in a rut and not really relying on the plan that was already been laid for us.The week before we found a verse that we liked and we used it daily to remind each other there was a better plan. Jermiah 29:11. Sure enough in the days following we got to see that plan. I use the Bible app on my phone and always search quickly for uplifting verses unless there is something that I've remembered. What I hadn't told Brandon was that all the encouraging ones I found and sent him were from a job loss reading plan. It wasn't even in a time of job loss that we needed them just job struggle and they were fitting.

I was super excited because I was thinking this was for the rest of the season and that now all I needed to do was make a trip to Memphis to pack up the rest of our things, sheets, towels, kitchen stuff, etc.  He flew out to Cincinnati and I stayed put at my parents house. We were finally going to be in the same place and hoping for it the rest of the season.

He got to pitch on Saturday after eight days of rest and we'll just say it wasn't his best outing. However in that game it didn't matter they were already losing when he went in. 

Tonight he got the opportunity to pitch again,in Pittsburgh, in a game they were already losing 7-0. He pitched three innings and even got a hit. I'm thankful for the game he had today and the opportunity to redeem himself from his last outing. I know he wanted a chance to show them he deserved to be there. I think he did.

I've been counting down the days until he gets to come home to St. Louis and it was only six more. He would have been back on the 2nd. Insteadreceive a text after the game tonight, "And I'm going down." 

It's always hard to understand their moves and not take it personal. Yet again I find myself rolling with the punches.  

Tomorrow I am going to meet my guy in Memphis. I'm going to go to Jerry's for a sno cone on a date with my husband. I'm going to sit and have a nice chat with my lovely baseball girls that I've become so attached to this year. I'll probably get an Icee too. I'm going to pack up our apartment and be a little sad about it. I might even cry when I tell my friends goodbye. Secretly, I'm a teeny tiny bit glad I we get to go back one more time to say good bye. I've found that my heart has actually become a bit fond of Memphis. I think it's because all the fun memories from our first year of marriage have been made there. I think how some day we will share with our kids that we lived there and show them places we remember.

As much as we love being in the big leagues, this year has humbled me and taught me how to be flexible. It has taught me to have faith in the unknown and to find joy, big or small, in each circumstance. I have felt so much love and support from the community I live in and the people that ask about Brandon and tell me they are keeping up with him. It is amazing and I'm so grateful for that. Grateful for you reading this! My family too, sheesh, they are awesome and ALWAYS comforting me. The ups and downs and moving and me coming and going, they've been great and I think learning flexibility also.

Then there is my guy. My never complaining guy. I know I brag on him all the time, but he is the rock in this marriage. Everything I say about him I don't make up. I find him comforting and trying to make me laugh when we get moved when I should be the one comforting him! I'm excited for the few days of memories he made and hopeful he will get recalled soon. Little did I know those verses I had found were already preparing us for the future. It's awesome how things like that work. 

Shameless plug: 
My mom and I have been working together on some new awesome rhinestone apparel like shown! If you're interested or needing some sparkle email us - 

Finally a big thank you to all our family, friends, and fans all over the place. 
Y'all are the best!! 



  1. I love you guys and am so impressed with how both of you handle the "ups & downs". You guys definitely know what it's like to be in the moment and be flexible. Praying for both of you. Love y'all!


  2. I think you do a wonderful job of rolling with the punches. Hang in there! It can be so hard not to take things like that personally, but I know He has a bigger plan.

  3. Your post reminds me of the Blue October song "Jump rope." I'm not sure if you like Blue October, but they're one of my favorites.
    Once I bought a cd at a benefit to help...something. Anyway, there's a song on there I like to listen to when I'm sad to remind me who is in control. It's by Mark Roach: "As Long as I have You." You should give it a listen.
    I think you have such a great perspective on everything, Lauren. Keep being awesome.
