Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Live Like There's No Tomorrow

It's been a crazy eleven days. I'm back in Missouri, fresh off the road. I was calculating this morning as I was laying in bed how many more trips are probable this season from Memphis to my parents house. It's about five and after typing that I'm not going to think about it again. I know it seems crazy to go back and forth every eight days or so but I'll tell you a few reasons why I do it. Our 'home' is in Alabama which is ten hours from my family and with the opportunity to be close to them during the season is very important to me. We see them in the off season but traveling is less frequent. Then we moved out totally in May and that pretty much set the tone for us for the season. There was no point to load it ALL up and move again two weeks later. Finally, I'm hoping that we end the season in St. Louis but.. that's all up in the air. Exciting news though we paid our last months rent at the roach motel. I will say the roach problem has pretty much ceased but it's still nasty!

Back to the drive, it really isn't all that bad. I have, over the last three months, found my favorite stops all along the way including a Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, Target, Jimmy John's and gas stations that have clean bathrooms.

I almost always have a Mt. Dew and sunflower seeds and the radio stays on one of two XM stations: The Highway or The Message. By the time I reach my destination I am usually hoarse from singing at the top of my lungs. I'm not good but I don't care.

I also use this time to decompress from the week. To think about all the things Brandon and I have discussed the previous days together.  I'll spend time praying for Brandon and our future. Then I brainstorm craft ideas that I can work on the upcoming week. This all happens in no particular order and sometimes it's all happening at the same time. 

If you were a fly riding shot probably would think I was crazy, but that's fine with me.

I found and listened to my newest favorite song today about 20 times and it made me ponder life and how beautifully sweet life is. Take a listen.

I feel more so lately than ever that life is so precious. You get to live each second of each day one time.  Earlier this week we found out one of our church members was in a four-wheeler accident and hit by a dump truck. His name was Brandon and he was a few years younger than me. He had endured some ugly things his time here on earth things that no one deserves. While I didn't know him very well he will always hold a special place in our church families heart and the Marbury community. He always asked me about Brandon on Sunday's when I would be at church alone and could always be found with a smile on his face. He will be missed.

Don't waste time on the petty things. Don't hold grudges. Live like there's no tomorrow!


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