Saturday, June 23, 2012

Better Than the Royal Wedding

As most of you may know, I'm obsessed with Instagram. If I was paid a nickel for each time I checked my beloved Instagram feed - I would be a rich rich woman. 

Anyways, through Instagram I have 'met' and made some wonderful friends. It is a crazy thing that you may not understand. I love it. It's awesome and I'm making friends all over the world.

You see I found this family, or maybe they found me. One day a special blog friend of mine featured something she bought from me on her page. A few of you are here because of her. Without that post I never would have met her. Her Stephanie. 

I always try to check out new followers who come here to visit or those who comment.  I kid you not, I thought she was barely older than me. I started to peruse her blog and when I read she was a grandma to three I about fell over. I was stumped. How in the world did she already have three grandkids at such a young age. 

Due to my above average stalking skills I decided to do a little Instagram re-con and I fell in love over time. Not just with her but her entire family. As I began to unfold their life and who they are (average Janes and Joes I promise they aren't celebrities except to me) I can't help but be totally captivated by their family. Even the Dad is an Instagramer. Now that is cool y'all. Ah the love that overflows from the Holdens.

In the last few months she...had her youngest daughter graduate (homeschooled by the way), helped move her oldest daughter, and prepared for the wedding of the year. She also runs an adorable shop called The Honey Pot. Besides being a rockstar Mom and Grandma Honey, it's clear that she is an excellent wife too. I look up to her in so many ways. I plan on meeting her soon. Here is one of my favorite posts of hers if you're interested. I know you are, go on check. it. out.

Anyways, today is Lydia's wedding!!! Well Lydia and the banjo picking Marcus. I've been anticipating this wedding more than I did the royal wedding in 2011. William and Kate who? I love a good handmade wedding. I love the wedding of an awesome couple. I love a wedding that is overflowing with love. Check. Check. Check. The Holdens have been on my mind all week and today I wanted to personally (via blog) congratulate the newlyweds and their families on this happy day. 

I stole some of your IG photos, don't be mad :)

Now I'm going to anxiously wait all day for updates.



  1. Lauren, this post brought me to tears. I am so humbled by your kindness. And I am so thankful the Lord chose to cross our paths in this big old world!! I can't wait to hug your neck!..... TOMORROW! aghhhh! :)

  2. Lauren, this post brought me to tears. I am so humbled by your kindness. And I am so thankful the Lord chose to cross our paths in this big old world!! I can't wait to hug your neck!..... TOMORROW! aghhhh! :)

  3. Wow..she is GORGEOUS!

    And this post is SOO sweet! It's so crazy/fun how God brings people together!

  4. I too fell in love with the Holdens through IG! They are such an amazing and godly family! So funny how social media works! P.s/ its through "Honey" Holden I found your IG and blog! I'm loving your updates! :)
