Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday Things

Hello darlings! How has your week been going? First I apologize for my last post. It was such a cop out. I decided I was slacking on my photo taking and have some new probably meaningless things in my life to share with ya. Here we go.

Last weekend was dog day at the park and they have puppies there for adoption. Brandon text me that morning, knowing I was still running a {puppy} fever and told me it'd be best for me not to come. I didn't listen and fell in love with this cute face and yummy puppy smell, not the pee kind, the good kind.  Ends up one of the guys that works at the field adopted him and he is in the hospital with a disease. Thank God I walked away cause I would not want to be dealing with that heartache and an 80lb dog in a few months. And so the fever is gone. Gone gone. I want to be able to give my pup full undivided attention from the beginning. October is when we are getting a puppy! A small dog. It's so fun thinking that this is the puppy our kids will grow up knowing. 

We had an early game this week and headed to see The Five Year Engagement. It was very funny. Then I thought, as I was waiting for the mister to pump gas, that this leftover popcorn  bag would actually make a really cute clutch. It'd had to be the right material and fabric but I think it could be kinda fun. 

I made some deliveries this week. I said it before but I'll say it again. This is my favorite part of making and selling my craft - the happy people on the receiving end. So thank you for all the recent orders and I hope you're happy on the other end. 

Ironically I ran into all these jelly rolls at Tuesday Morning for super cheap but I walked away. I'm starting to have a little bit of will power. Ok fine I bought them, only two, and on the way home I passed another location and returned them knowing I wouldn't be using them.

New favorite meal French Fried Onion Spaghetti Bake. You can find the recipe here.!

I'm sponsoring Sew Caroline the blog this month. She is incredibly adorable and I feel like she can teach me to sew through the internet. I know we will meet some day hopefully sooner rather than later. We can drink coffee and sew, all the live long day! I've been inspired to try sewing some new things, clothes mostly, including this 10 min maxi skirt. It was a success but I need a slip to wear under because its kinda see through and leaves the color of my undies to no one's imagination. Oops. 

If you missed last nights Insta - giveaway... I'm sorry. I may only do this the first Wednesday of each month but we'll see. I made this new headwrap yesterday. Maybe you will see some of these in the shop at some point, maybe. Not only am I trying to get OUT of the yoga pants everyday, I'm trying to make an effort to wear some fun accessories. I'd say I'm getting better day by day. Although it is fun to run errands in gym shorts and T-shirt, looking nice has been more fun. I think I'll keep trying. 

The big two-five is coming up this Saturday and I treated myself to a little gift. You can check out some of her other pieces here if the cross isn't your thing. I'm loving it and it only just came in the mail today! 

Hope your having a wonderful week. 


  1. OCTOBER! countdown to puppy!!!!! I am so sad Ernie has lost his puppy smell, but I still love the way he smells!

  2. I liked your last post! I also like this one. I love the bracelet! I hope you have an amazing birthday. I will be 26 soon! :s crazy.

  3. You should add some Maxi skirts to your shop!!
